Category: US Crimes
Lula De Silva Comes Out As A Reactionary-Soros-Whore Of the West
Image: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, George Soros and former Finance Minister Antônio Palocci at the World Economic Forum in Davos, January 2003 The CIA […]
The Dismemberment Of Yugoslavia 20 Years On
Editors note: Originally written in 2019 and republished for the anniversary of the destruction of Yugoslavia. Two decades ago Nato started it’s 78 day bombing […]
NATO Are Pushing Poland Into A Conflict With Russia
In 2014 NATO started a war against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy. This was achieved by the Maiden Coup which overthrew the Ukrainian government. […]
Another US Mission To Subdue And Subjugate Haiti, A Playground For US Bioweapons
Imperialism’s rise in the 20th century had a progressive component to it. For the oppressing nations to exploit the oppressed nations it was forced to […]
The Coming Debacle In Ukraine
Having sold a war to the Western public for over a year and half this narrative is beginning to collapse. The ‘valiant’ Ukrainians bravely fighting […]
The Incoming Nuclear False Flag in Ukraine To Activate US Troops
The United States is the master of the false flag to brainwash it’s population into supporting war.The US has fabricated “incubator babies” being thrown out […]
US Biolabs In Ukraine
A detailed breakdown of how the United States and DTRA(US Defense Threat Reduction Agency) contracted out investors to fund research into biowarfare for the US […]
The Latest Attempt To Steal Venezuelas Oil: Juan Guaido Signs A $213m Contract To Kidnap The President of Venezuela
As the American Empire declines further it’s attempts to steal and loot the world become ever more brazen. Leading up to the Yugoslav, Afghanistan and […]