Editors Note: Max Radin (March 29, 1880 – June 22, 1950 ) was an American legal scholar, philologist, and author. At the University of California, […]
Month: June 2023
[Moscow Trials] Colonel Viktor Alksnis Read The Tukhachevsky Transcript And Came Away Convinced He Was Guilty
Editors Note: For a long period of time the conservatives, liberals and Trotskyites have told the world that the Moscow Trials were frame ups and […]
[Moscow Trials] Trial Of Trotsky A Joke, Says (Carlton) Beals
Editors Note: The Dewey Commission was setup by fawning Trotskyites. Mauritz Hallgren resigned from the Commission stating Trotsky was guilty and attesting to the group […]
[Moscow Trials] Why I resigned from the Trotsky Defense Committee, Mauritz Hallgren
Editors note: The Trotskyites long held that the Moscow Trials were “frame ups”. The ludicrous anti-communist propaganda at the time that the defendants were “hypnotised […]