Scottish Covid Inquiry Exposes A New Era of Scientific Medical Tyranny

co-written with Ben K


‘‘Many families witnessed remotely a significant deterioration of their loved ones physical and mental health in lockdown that was NOTHING to do with COVID-19. Some suspect that their loved one was suffering from NEGLECT, DEHYDRATION and STARVATION.’’(BiologyPhenom, Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|feature length highlights reel, 13 May 2024)

Table of Contents


Testimonies From The Scottish Covid Inquiry

Inhumane Treatment, Terror and the Germ theory of disease.

Withholding of Medical Care.

‘‘We really, really struggled it was months and months before we got a GP into our home.’’

Involuntary Euthanasia: Improper Overuse of End-Of-Life pathway

Midazolam and Morphine

Murdered On The Liverpool Care Pathway

Doubts about Covid 19



The thought of banging pots for NHS staff in the evening like lunatics and the thought of lockdowns and forced vaccinations is surely a memory most of us want to put behind us, but we cannot. The drastic policies rolled out behind The Covid ‘Pandemic’ were a deliberate attack on the working class. We must analyse how the bourgeoisie perpetrated this damage upon us and reflect on our performance in recognising and defending the working class against this ruthless attack.

One truth that is now being exposed is the troubling, even criminal, nature of many deaths of seniors in nursing homes during the pandemic. During the pandemic there were reports of improper Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR/do not resuscitate) forms and overuse of midazolam and morphine in combination on ill patients, leading to worsening condition and death. These were reported by independent reporter Jacqui Deevoy, who documented a number of cases in her documentary ‘A Good Death‘. In that documentary Ms Deevoy exposes a number of cases where DNACPRs were improperly produced and an ‘end-of-life’ pathway was improperly initiated, including withdrawal of food/liquids and the administration of drugs which fairly rapidly degraded the health of patients until they died.

The Scottish Covid inquiry, which has escaped the attention of Mass media and even most alternative media, ( and has yielded considerable evidence that substantiates those earlier reports. Despite the fact that the shocking evidence contained in this inquiry points to state murder in our supposedly ‘public’ NHS, which we all depend on, videos of the testimony have a tiny number of views.

Sytemic Euthanasia

What the testimony shows is that the state systematically encouraged denial of care and implementation of end-of-life pathways, leading to death of elder care home residents. These residents, essentially killed by organised state murder were re-labelled “covid deaths”, and were then used to help justify the deadly pandemic narrative and the extraordinary attack on the Working class it enabled.

“The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic (editor: ie due to medical malpractice), created with widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic policy of euthanasia.”(Wilson Sy, Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Feb 2024)

By March 2020 the British government had already said that it was no worse than the flu.(UK Government, High consequence infectious diseases (HCID, 19 Mar 2020))

But to implement the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep, written in 2010.

“However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.”(Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep, 2010)

The Rockefeller Foundation has been described in by a US Justice of the Supreme Court:

“There develops within the State a state so powerful that the ordinary social and industrial forces existing are insufficient to cope with it.”(Supreme Justice Louis Brandeis in 1915 quoted in Rene A Wormser, Foundations Their Power and Influence, p5)

The Scottish Covid enquiry has presented evidence indicating that these cases of artificially accelerated deaths (murders) in care homes were not aberrations but occurred systematically. This indicates that even in a nominally not for profit national health care system, Capital has the ability to influence the operation of the system to accelerate the demise of those it considers unprofitable.

Death Pathways

The evidence presented at the Covid enquiry showed that many elders had their deaths accelerated by the following four mechanisms:

1. inhumane treatment including prevention of access to sunlight, exercise and separation from loved ones causing great mental distress, depression, anxiety, especially cruel for patients with dementia.

2. Improperly attained DNACPRs including pressure on patients to agree to DNACPRs, evidence of faked signatures, and the presence of blanket DNACPRs in care homes with extremely short timelines indicating a good percentage had to be created improperly.

3. Withholding of medical care from both GPs and hospitals despite no overloading of either hospitals or GP surgeries, often based on the improperly attained DNACPRs

4. An improper overuse of end-of-life pathway protocols in the context of denial of treatment, moving directly to denial of food/water and treatment with end-of-life drugs such as midazolam and morphine.

We will review these mechanisms and discuss the history of this type of involuntary euthanasia in the NHS. Then we will review what this evidence indicates about the Covid ‘pandemic’ and summarise what conclusions we can draw overall.

Testimonies From The Scottish Covid Inquiry

Now turning to the Scottish Covid Inquiry we find this being implemented on a mass scale in mass orchestrated murder. Forged signatures on Do Not Resuscitate orders. Midazolam and Morphine used to mass murder. The full testimonials can be seen on the Scottish Covid Inquiries Youtube channel as well as their website.

“I was angry because the things I read in his notes wasn’t what the doctors were saying to me on a daily basis. Doctors were lying to me on a daily basis. Nurses were lying to me on a daily basis.” (Pamela Thomas, Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|feature length highlights reel, May 13 2024)

“My mums not dying of covid. My mums dying of starvation and dehydration. You just had to look at my mum to see that. Her eyes were sunk right back into her head. All I kept thinking was they must’ve given her a jag(?) there somewhere… I was always under the impression they were giving my mum morphine because I fought with them not to give my mum the stuff. Then they’d get social work involved.

“And standby social work, you can’t get them for love nor money!

“But they managed to call me on a bank holiday weekend. ‘If you give my mum palliative care I’m getting you charged with murder if anything happens to my mum.’ We weren’t allowed in. We weren’t allowed to do anything. We weren’t allowed to interact. We were deprived. My mum was deprived of everything that’s natural.

“A cuddle.

“A hug.


“She was deprived of all these things”

Micheleine Kane, (ibid)

“I got a phone call from the care home to say my dad was failing. He was agitated, he was shouting for help. Wandering into other rooms so he was still mobile. They found him on his hands and knees trying to get to the toilet. I was then told they were going to introduce end of life medication which would be Midazolam and if needed morphine and I was shocked.”

William Jolly, ibid

“I’ve ascertained the sedative she was given was Midazolam.”

“That’s correct”

“And we’ve heard about Midazolam from other witnesses and it is associated with end of life care

“She was also given two other drugs as part of an end of life protocol.”

“What was your reaction to learning that? “

“I’m very angry and upset about it.”

“You subsequently ascertained there was a do not resuscitation notice in relation to your gran.”

“That’s correct”.

“Can you explain how you came by that information?

“We had heard there was a possibility that there was a do not resuscitate order. After my grandmother had died we’d heard from the solicitors there was talk that there was a do not resuscitate order in my grans file but we’d never seen it. But nobody had ever seen it so we didn’t know the full facts of it. But when we sat with the the inquiry my solicitor produced the do not resussciate order and it had my name on it and dated 2nd November. I’ve got a copy of it. It’s in block capital letters with my name.”

“So in other words not your normal signature?”

“Not my normal signature at all.”

Gillian Grant (ibid)

“She said if your fathers drip comes out it’s not going back in again.”

“So it wasn’t just they thought there’s not much they can do and phrased it poorly, it was when there is something they could do they didn’t want to repeat it. It was one chance and that was it”

“It made me feel that there’s no treatment here for your father there’s no way back. We’re just gonna let him die. It was very upsetting.

Carolyn Murdoch (ibid)

“I was surprised to get a call and I’m ringing to ask if you’ll agree to have a DNR on your file and I was kind of taken aback. And I said ‘I don’t think my family would like that.’ And she said ‘But what about what you want?’ as if I would want to die.”

And and Donald McPherson (ibid)

“They asked him to sign a DNR and he phoned terrified.”

“Was he asked once or a number of occassions?”

“Five times.”

“Five times that night?”

“Five times within twenty-four hours.”

Lianne Menzies (ibid)

“There was a gate in place. Which reminded me of a prison”.

Lucy Challoner (ibid)

Of these window visits… There was nothing compassionate about them. The fact people had to wear masks at a closed window. If you put your dog in quarantine and said to the owner you can wave and knock at the window but you’re not allowed to go in. People would say that’s pretty cruel.

Sheila Hall (ibid)

(Regarding parents)

‘‘The GP told me that they would not be taken to hospital and would instead be treated within the care home. Furtheremore potentially life saving oxygen would not be available or access to a fluid drip. They would be given paracetamol to bring down a temperature and if things progressed, end of life medication would be prescribed and administered. GP’s were not going into the care home. I was shocked and frightened. Public Health Scotland told the care home that their residents were not allowed to go to hospital and were to be treated in the home. The care-home owner has the emails to prove it”

(Gillian Duncan, Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|Impact hearing |Health and social care|November 14 (afternoon), 14 Nov 2024)

“Things got really bad in 2021 because of rolling lockdowns.. There was no way to challenge it, they just kept saying they were shutting, there had been another case, another 28 days. People were approaching their second Christmas of lockdown, getting isolated, relatives getting locked out. This was going on for months and months”

“I subsequently discovered when the BBC got the figures in April 2021, the following April, that 10 of 39 residents had died, all after being cut off from loved ones for eight or nine months. What good did that do them or their loved ones?”

(Cathie Russel, ibid)

‘You know what it felt felt like i was going to the zoo and watching animal son display in the zoo..don’t touch…don’t go near them. THESE WERE MY PARENTS !!’

(Alison Walker, Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|Impact hearing|Health and social care|17 November 2023 (morning session), 21 Feb 2024)

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Inhumane Treatment, Terror and the Germ theory of disease.

Capitalism’s focus on the germ theory of disease ignores the most important aspects of health, It uses the germ theory to generate profits and ignores the things that matter because if we knew those things were what really determine if we are healthy or not we would fight for better conditions. Instead of the lie of a cure all snake oil based on germ theory. Capitalism ignores the things which determine how we can stay healthy and fend off disease. All of these factors were ignored in the care homes. Most importantly contact with loved ones. This often led to worsening condition and susceptibility to illness.

Many of these elders had dementia. Structure and schedule and reassuring contact are extremely important for them. Again and again we see in the testimony the families see their loved ones deteriorating over weeks of video calls without human contact.

Organisations like “Befriending Network” which normally helped individuals who needed support at home were restricted in what they could do and they confirmed the rapid deterioration in many elders due to isolation under lockdown. Longtime volunteer Jayne Burnett testified to the inquiry about one elder they supported.

..we had one chap..routine is so important in dementia..this chap went out everyday for his lunch..suddenly he wasn’t able to…and he died shortly afterwards.’ (Scottish Covid Inquiry, Impact Hearing | Business and Welfare | 16 Dec 2024(Afternoon Session))

Fear of a ‘germ’ made people forget everything that actually makes you healthy. The fear enabled people to be controlled, and nurse Marion McParland confirmed fear’s role in moving people to go along with policies that were clearly inhuman.

“You know they’re in a care home, some have medical conditions, most had dementia but they were, essentially, people, with needs who needed support and that could be seen.

That to me was just… nobody had looked at the whole aspect of just living, your daily life. Everything was around this pandemic. Everybody was.. It was chaos everywhere. Everybody was just frightened or looking beyond what was an individual sitting in front of you. Nobody seemed to recognise that these were individuals with needs.

Common sense went out the window and people just went by what was being instructed.”(Scottish Covid Inquiry, Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|Impact hearing |Health and social care|17 November 2023 (afternoon session))

Withholding of Medical Care.

Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPRs) are a license to deny care.

Public Health board issued directives to not send any elders to hospital for care. Even so care home residents with DNACPRs were given minimal treatment. The DNACPRs acted as informal confirmation that great effort should not be made to medically treat these residents. This was confirmed by multiple testimonials in the Scottish Inquiry where it was clear that care home nurses were unwilling to engage in intense or repeated treatment for these patients. (See testimony above by Caroline Murdoch).

GPs were allowed to cancel site visits to care homes. Most GPs did not do rounds on the care homes. They consulted over the telephone, went along with Public Health Board directives and often told care home workers to try limited remedies with the fallback to end-of-life care.

The Scottish Covid inquiry heard testimony that in one care home the care managers could not get GPs to attend to ill residents in person and prescribed treatments and medications remotely. Care managers testified that nine out of ten times the G were prescribed palliative care medication, which is what “just IN case” medication means”.

“No we didn’t get any GP’s in. We consulted with GP’s over the phone and nine out of ten times were prescribed Just-In-Case medication” (Carol Anne Currie, 9 Times Out of 10 Residents Were Prescribed End Of Life Care | Care Home Managers Tell Inquiry, 7 Jun 2024)

‘‘We really, really struggled it was months and months before we got a GP into our home.’’(Carol Anne Currie, ibid)

But the hospitals were empty. Multiple whistleblowers have come out and confirmed this.

“That was one of the first red flags. “Why am I not in a hospital if this is a pandemic and you need nurses badly? We’re just sitting here.”…

“We were making $10,000 a week while we were there, which is unheard of. That’s a lot of money to pay a nurse who isn’t even being utilised. I felt like it was such a waste. A lot of people don’t that part of the story. Some nurses were there before me and say for 18 days. Why were these people not being used?”(Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski in Ken McCarthy, What the Nurses Saw, Chapter 3)

ICUs were also little used. In Scotland in December 2020 during the peak of the pandemic with much higher Covid case numbers than March-June, of 536 ICU beds only 202 were used and 62 had Covid positive patients. 143 beds were empty. (Public Health Scotland, INQ000372596 – Spreadsheet from Public Health Scotland, regarding Bed Bureau Report, undated, 14 Nov2024)

Thus care home residents were being denied medical care while hospitals and ICU beds were empty, and this went on for months. The inability to get medical treatment for any number of conditions along with their inhumane, disturbing, depressing and terrifying living conditions led to the inevitable of many elders, which led deterministically to them being given end-of-life medications.

Involuntary Euthanasia: Improper Overuse of End-Of-Life pathway

As mentioned above GPs, most often without visiting the care homes were prescribing only the simplest medical procedures and medications which could be administered by care home workers and nurses, with end-of-life care if that failed.

Such care is nothing short of murder. Palliative care is for those who have a progressive illness with a predictable, deterministic or extremely high-probability progression of disease, but this quite possibly wasn’t the case with many care home residents.

One of the most nefarious aspects of this ‘palliative’ care that were given to elders who were doing poorly and weren’t responding to limited treatment is the fact that the palliative drug cocktails given tend to kill people.

Midazolam and Morphine

Mike Yeadon who until 2011, who’s PHD was respiratory systems of rats and served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug cartel company Pfizer, has given the following assessment.

That over 100,000 people were murdered during this period.

“Is your conclusion is that the State deliberately put people on Midazolam and morphine to terminate their lives?”

“Yes. Neither of those drugs would ever be appropriate in an open airway breathing patient. If someone arrives and they’re able to breathe even if they’re breathless you would not repress their respiration which Midazolam and morphine would do. And also per, many bits of information Stuart Wilkins was able to show us, the doses were between three and five times the recommended initial starting doses. I wrote them down and went back to look at my clinical pharmacology books. Indeed, those are doses that you would expect to lead to a fading away of people. Especially given day after day. I am convinced the excess deaths in care homes is explained by this procedure. Substantially. We’re looking at six figures. Over 100,000 people easily.” (Mike Yeadon, Ex Pfizer Mike Yeadon :Midazolam care home murders, over 100.000 people)

Murdered On The Liverpool Care Pathway

To kill off numerous people in care homes during COVID they were prescribed lethal doses of Midazolam and morphine. They were also starved to death on the rail tracks of the Liverpool Care Pathway, introduced in the 1990s. A practice that was producing outrages like this as far back as 2013.

“All I remember is they weren’t feeding me. Up above my bed they put ‘nil by mouth’ and I was begging for food,” she recalled.”

“She was pleading for water. The nurse said ‘I’ve been told I can’t give her anything.'” (BBC, Liverpool Care Pathway: ‘They told my family I was dying’, 15 Aug 2013)

“Lord Carlile also expressed shock at the large number of families who have complained that relatives had not given their consent when they were placed on the pathway, which often involves heavy use of sedatives and narcotics and the withdrawal of food and fluids, resulting in death in an average of 29 hours.”(Catholic Herald, Peer calls for Liverpool Care Pathway to be abolished, 30 Jan 2013)

“So the Liverpool Care Pathway included two drugs; Midazalam and Morphine. Those two drugs are never given together. Because they both cause suppression of respiration and sedation together.”

“Somebody witnessed a consultant and the first time they’d seen this patient they stopped momentarily at the end of the bed and said “End of Life pathway”.

“I couldn’t believe it. It basically changes the people that use it. It changes the nurse teams. It changes the doctors.” (Documentary by Jacqui Deevoy, Playing God, 22nd April 2024)

The Liverpool Pathway would be the basis for what we saw during COVID.

The history of the Liverpool Care Pathway gives us another warning. The protocols that were rolled out were continued even after the LCP was officially censured in 2013 although as informal processes. The mindset of triaging NHS services for the ‘most worthy’ was embedded in the Public Health Boards, CMOs and senior consultants. This is covered in “Playing God” and is backed up by support groups for families that have had loved-ones involuntarily euthanised.

Thus we should suspect that the processes that were put in place, although perhaps backed off of in the absence of full-blown manufactured hysteria, will continue in care homes across Britain.

Doubts about Covid 19

There is no doubt that there was a propaganda programme of fear to shut down resistance in the population to a vicious attack on the working class. That attack came as financial bailouts and money-printing leading to massive inflation, social and small-business destruction via lockdowns, destruction of access to the NHS and quality of NHS services, and the culling of a large chunk of the population as seen by the explosion of excess deaths.

This fear was built on the fear of a deadly germ, an infections respiratory virus, with a very high fatality rate, that could spread so fast it was quickly labelled a ‘pandemic’.

Was it actually a pandemic? Independent researchers including Dr Denis Rancourt give statistical evidence based on all-causes mortality and lack of mortality migration across borders showing it was not a pandemic. (Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions, 19 Jul 2024)

PCR tests were never properly validated and PCR tests in general, as a test that magnifies by many orders of magnitude very weak signals, can be extremely prone to false positives if not used correctly. This exact fact is pointed out by the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, who died in 2019 just before the Covid outbreak

“How did they misuse PCR to estimate all the supposed free viral RNA’s that may or may not be there? “

“If they can find this virus in you at all, with PCR you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you think of the Buddhist notion of everything is contained within everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure there’s just very few…There’s very few molecules that your body doesn’t have one single one of in your body. That’s a misuse of it… PCR is separate from that it is just a process to make a whole of lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that your sick. It doesn’t tell you the thing you ended up with was going to hurt your or anything like that.” (Dr Kary Mullis, DR. KARY MULLIS FULL INTERVIEW ON HIV – AIDS AND RT PCR TEST )

PCR works via cycles of amplification. During the ‘pandemic’ tests were set at 40 cycles. The fraud of doing this is spelled plainly below.

“It can be observed that at Ct=25, up to 70% of patients remain positive in culture and that at Ct=30 this value drops to 20%. At Ct=35, the value we used to report positive result for PCR, less than 3% of culture are negative.

(Rita Jaafar, Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction-Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates, Jun 2021)

In other words at cycles of CT=35 produce a false positive rate of 97 percent.

This false positive rate explains why

“Coronavirus test kits used in Tanzania were dismissed as faulty by President John Magufuli on Sunday, because he said they had returned positive results on samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw.” (Reuters, President queries Tanzania coronavirus kits after goat test, 3May 2020)

Confirmation of the PCR tests oversensitivity was strongly implied by the release of CDC guidelines for collecting infectious samples in 2021 stating positive result within 28 cycles was required for valid samples, indicating samples showing positive at an amplification of 40 cycles were not valid.

“For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)” (Centre For Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Breakthrough Case Investigations and Reporting, p4, 17 Apr 2021).

Many credible specialists have testified that the PCR tests were not valid including Dr. Thomas Binder and Dr. Mike Yeadon among others.

In addition to oversensitive PCR tests yielding large numbers of false positives, at least in terms of symptomatic cases, overcounting of Covid deaths as any death with Covid instead of deaths due to Covid inflated the numbers that had died of Covid. Vast overcounting in the US was established by independent researchers Edward Dowd and John Beaudoin. (C Alegria and Y Nunes, Estimate of the COVID-19 over-reporting bias as underlying cause of death in the USA, May 2024)

The release of their work forced mainstream presstitutes to put out ‘against the grain’ articles to maintain credibility. (Thomas Fazi in Unherd, Did the New York Times just admit Covid deaths were overcounted?, 25 Jul 2024) (WashingtonPost, We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem., 13 Jan 2023)

Similar independent anaylses give suspicions of a similar dynamic in Britain (UkColumn, A Deceptive Construction – Why We Must Question The COVID 19 Mortality Statistics, 28 Mar 2021)

In Britain, after the first Lockdown and death protocols had killed thousands Oxford Prof Carl Heneghan challenged the way covid deaths were recorded but it wasn’t until Jan 2023, when most of the Covid destruction was over that UK changed its Covid death reporting protocol to move away from overreporting. (UK Health Security Agency, Changes to the way we report on COVID-19 deaths, 27 Jan 2023)

Another storyline supporting the ‘pandemic’ narrative was that hospitals were overwhelmed and people should avoid going to the doctors. This both pushed the narrative and began the process of lowering the population’s expectations of their health service.

We were told repeatedly about overloaded hospitals and medical services.

Prof Martin Neil, who spoke at the Scottish Covid Inquiry, refuted this narrative ( This was independently corroborated by multiple hospital employee whistleblowers who spoke out during the pandemic but who were ignored.

Examples include porter Neil Craig a porter in Glasgow Royal Infirmary who stated

“At the beginning of the pandemic, the amount of work was heavily reduced as the hospital was nearly empty due to the number of patients being discharged home or to care homes within the first couple of weeks. Prior to that, the wards were normally full every day, with the hospital having at least 1000 hospital beds. The medical block was less than half full.”( Neil Craig, Witness Statement at Scottish Covid Inquiry, 15 May 2024) (Video Testimony at BiologyPhenom’s Substack) and nurse Kirsty Miller from Ninewells hospital in Dundee.

‘Nicola Sturgeon is on television saying ‘save the NHS’ but the beds are empty.’’

‘This is not what it seems.’(Kirsty Miller on BiologyPhenom’s Substack, Kirsty Miller NHS whistleblower nurse from 2021, 25 Aug 2024)

There are more but unfortunately not enough. There were only a few whistleblower nurses out of the 750000 nurses in the NHS. A deep read of the book by Ken McCarthy’s, What The Nurses Saw details how many of the US and Canadian nurses were quickly squashed by the State then deeply censored on the American military communication platform we call the internet.

Similar discrepancies between stories of overcrowded hospitals and empty actual hospitals took place in Germany. Stefan Homburg, reporting on the German government RKI-Leaks

reported that 2020 had lowest hospital occupancy in 20 years, that there were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020/2021, and that Corona came and flu disappeared, with no excess deaths in 2020.

“To summarise: Clinically, in terms of real illnesses and deaths, there was nothing special.”(Stefan Homburg, )

The absence of season flu was also notable in Britain. It ended just before the official beginning of the pandemic and did not return until the winter of 2021. Professor Martin Neil, author of “Fighting Goliath”, a book covering the flawed science and statistics in the Covid-19 event, highlighted the lack of flu infections in this post on Twitter.

The HART group also noted

“It was no more novel than numerous other viruses which emerge each year in terms of the ability to be recognised by our immune systems. It was no more lethal than bad influenza viruses of the past and was less lethal than seasonal influenza for the young. Intensive care stays were longer than have been observed with flu, though whether that was due to a virus directly or caused by our changed response to how we treated respiratory infections is unclear. Overall it was a treatable, seasonal respiratory virus mostly affecting the old and infirm.” ( Hart Group, Querying the existence of a covid ‘pandemic’, 6 Jun 2023)

Besides the above inconsistencies there were many strange aspects to the way that Covid was treated during the pandemic. Traditional flu/virus treatments, including antibiotics for flu patients with fluid in the lungs, and tested medications with antiviral effects including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, were discouraged or not used/tested, paving the way for both harmful ‘Covid’ treatment drugs with horrible side effects like Remdesivir as well as harmful poisons mislabelled as ‘vaccines’ which were allowed to be fast-tracked due to a lack of a ‘viable treatment’.

Given the above evidence, it is debatable whether there was an actual pandemic, what is not debatable at all is that there was a propaganda programme of fear to shut down resistance in the population to a vicious attack on the working class. That attack was carried out via financial bailouts and money-printing leading to massive inflation, social and small-business destruction via lockdowns, destruction of access to the NHS and quality of NHS services, and the culling of a large chunk of the population as seen by the explosion of excess deaths. While the causes of some of these deaths remain unknown (with no one looking either) despite obvious suspects including vaccine injury and breakdown of social fabric, the causes of some deaths, including deaths in care homes, are having light shed on them, thought not by the bourgeois media. In particular ugly truths about these care home deaths have been exposed in the Scottish Covid Inquiry.

That the danger of the untested vaccines was understated, and that the injuries and deaths from the untested vaccines were under-reported. With each passing day more truths about the fake pandemic are exposed.

In particular, after years of being told to “trust the science” we must reflect on Lenin telling us that “all liberal science defends wage slavery” (Lenin in Marx Engels Marxism).

Eisenhower was famous for warning against the Military Industrial Complex he made as he exited US government. But few remember him stating in that same speech.

“Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”(President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, 1961)

Todays imperialist bourgeoisie very much fit the description of a “scientific-technological elite”.


This is just one aspect of a much broader issue. While there aren’t many blatant or overtly incriminating actions (except for some care homes reporting that they were instructed to apply blanket Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPR) orders to all residents within a single day —, the pattern becomes clearer with further investigation. (Guardian, Blanket ‘do not resuscitate’ orders imposed on English care homes, finds CQC, Mar 2021)

The most devastating consequence was the profound isolation experienced by elderly residents, many of whom suffered from varying stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Stripped of meaningful contact with loved ones, these individuals, already vulnerable to anxiety and fear, saw their conditions deteriorate rapidly. This led to physical and mental decline, often exacerbated by the lack of proper medical attention.

As their health worsened, general practitioners (GPs) increasingly refused to see them in person. Instead, many were placed on end-of-life pathways, despite hospitals having available beds. This absence of care, compounded by the breakdown in the system, led to tragic outcomes. Family members were forced to witness the gradual decline and eventual death of their loved ones from a distance, deprived of the basic human connection that is so vital, especially in the final stages of life.

This vicious and ruthless Class War exhibited during this period was not limited to the bourgeoisie. It extended across the board — from the upper echelons of the healthcare system to the labour aristocracy. The dehumanising filth of bourgeois values and culture seeping through every layer of society.

Doctors, care home managers, hospital administrators, and even some nurses — many of whom were themselves financially precarious — became complicit in this tragedy. It is telling that the majority of whistleblowers during this time were nurses, who, despite their own vulnerabilities, were often the first to speak out against the abuses they witnessed.

The Working Class has two paths before them: “One is to endeavor to maintain at all costs the existing class domination at the expense of the requirements of productive development, as well as at the expense of all human cultural values. This means in practice to strangle the powers of production, to retard technical development, to destroy material and human forces, to crush the development of ideas and thought, and to concentrate the entire society on organization for war, leading in turn to still greater destruction and decay.”(Rajani Palme Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolution)

The other alternative is to organise the new productive forces as social forces. As the common wealth of the entire of society and to raise rapidly and enormously the material basis of society. Destroy poverty, ignorance and disease. March infinite in every direction to expand science and culture for the working class (and not just for the bourgeoisie to wield as class weapons at the proletariats throat!).

With the rapid onset of widespread euthanasia tactics we are now seeing euthanasia laws being rushed through British parliament despite the disastrous rollout and deliberate targetting of the poor these laws have had in Canada. (DiplomaticPost, The Scientific Killers Vol I: Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale… Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled. Feb 1 2024)

For a new scientific and cultural renaissance under socialism and the dictatorship of the working class!

To organise Communist society in which all human beings can reach full stature and play their collective part in developing humanity. These are the two paths placed at the proletariat who are the living representatives of the productive forces.

The bourgeoisie routinely burn grain, vegetables and clothes when too much is produced. Under cover of a “pandemic” they were burning human bodies.

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