The Scientific Killers Vol III: Misanthropy, Eugenics, Homosexuality And The Trend To Pederasty In Imperialist Society

Class Warfare Takes Every Single Form. No Exceptions.

Pederasty and eugenics are a perfect couple.

They walk hand in hand.

In the development of humanity the development of sexuality plays a fundamental building block in shaping human culture. On the other hand sexuality reflects social conditions. Licentious sexuality (including trends to pederasty) have been outlawed for almost three thousand years in a myriad of different cultures and religions. Ranging from overtly pious and religious cultures to the worlds first Athiest and Socialist State led by Communists.

This is not coincidence. Pederasty appears early as experimental and religious-rituals. Later appearing as accompanying extremely parasitic classes hand in hand with extreme misanthropy and exploitation.

The question of how sexuality is treated plays a fundamental role in all moral questions. Every class has it’s own morality and “derive their ethical ideas in the last resort from the practical relations on which their class position is based — from the economic relations in which they carry on production and exchange”. (Engels, AntiDuhring)

Morality in imperialist society therefore is the class morality of the most parasitic, imperialist bloodsuckers this earth has ever seen.

“And as society has hitherto moved in class antagonisms, morality has always been class morality; it has either justified the domination and the interests of the ruling class, or ever since the oppressed class became powerful enough, it has represented its indignation against this domination and the future interests of the oppressed.” (ibid)

The social consequences of the trend to licentiousness and pederasty in imperialist society are to reduce solidarity and fracture social-bonds. The pederast movement (in it’s modern iteration: LGBTP) is not against the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and it’s cruel rule of profit and capital. The decadence expressed by the LGBT movement – such as pissing on each other in public at San Franciscos pride parade in 2024 – is of a decidedly bourgeois origin, not biological.

It is an expression of the parasitism of such a society and general trend to barbarism. This trend to pederasty is nothing new. In the novel Satyricon, written during Rome’s collapse under Nero’s reign. There is a similar contempt for human beings in a novel about homosexuals and their young counterparts. Admist the orgies taking place in the novel, usually with children, the novel states

And Menelaus had just ceased speaking when Trimalchio snapped his fingers, the signal for the eunuch with the chamber-pot to approach him as he played and hold it out. Trimalchio relieved his bladder, called for a basin to wash his hands, then wiped them on the lad’s head… (Petronius, Satyricon)

Given it’s bourgeois, not biological, origin it is therefore anything but “emancipatory”.

Many insist this deranged phenomena is progressive. (Progressing to what? One might ask, open paedophilia?)

Many hope to only focus on class politics.

They do not see the interplay between sexuality and politics. Or why, no matter how much they insist on class politics, they are continually pulled into the mud and filth of pederast activists.

Parallel to this is the misanthropic notion of a “right to die” – both pushed by the death drive of Liberalism and the Liberal’s thirst for annihilation and the misanthropy it produces.

Ich Klage

With the rise of the Nazis fake pseudo-science, eugenics, which rose to supremacy in German society a justification for the need of a mass culling came to the fore. Preceding from economic concerns and disdain for human life. To propagandize for the Aktion T4 eugenics program a film was produced to get the average Joe on board for this program.

Ich Klage, a rich and exciting cinematic film to propagandize for the eugenics program.

A dramatic film produced in Nazi Germany in 1941.

In 1941 the nazi’s needed a propaganda film to “right” the public’s views on Democide. Enter the romantic Ich Klage, a harrowing tale about a full lively beautiful woman deteriorating under multiple-sclerosis. Begging first a friend (a doctor) to kill her and then her husband (also a doctor) the story is a slow burn film into sympathy with the husband.

The crescendo leading up to the friend asserting

“I loved her so could not kill her!”

And the husband retorting

“I killed her because I loved her!”

With a running time of 125 minutes it slow boils for the audience until they’re practically in tears at the thought of the Husband being tried in court for doing the “obviously humane thing”.

The film was produced to popularise the Aktion T4 program in which Nazi Germany exterminated between 275,000 to 325,000 people between 1939 and 1945.

To propagandise for this kind of extermination program the Nazi’s had to produce a film lasting 125 minutes which was skilful in it’s screenplay and acting.

You wouldn’t even need a huge propaganda film with a decent budget, great acting and brilliant screenplay to convince the average British LibTard of Democide in 2024.

They’d already clap like seals for it. The iron grip of eugenics has a strangle hold in our times. It is pervasive and everywhere.

Eugenics is promoted by retards like new-Athiest Richard Dawkins, who has spent decades pushing his own pseudo-science related to so-called “genes” (see It’s the End of the Gene As We Know It) and J D Watson.

In 1945 Ich Klage was banned from allied countries in post World War 2.

In modern decadent imperialist society you do not need the faff the spectacle of a great film with a good plot line to propagate a eugenics program, like Nazi Germany in 1941.

Canada’s MAID program has already waged a genocide on the Working Class as the program continually expands and widens as it’s practitioners get de-sensitised to death.

When all data sources are considered, the total number of medically assisted deaths reported in Canada since the introduction of federal MAID legislation in 2016 is 44,958.(Government of Canada, Fourth annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2022)

Liberal LGBT Friendly Canada On The Fastest Track For Genocide And Extermination Of The Working Class

Thirty second Adverts like this now flourish in LGBT Liberal Canada, offering a siren call to the depressed or sick. If you’re wondering at the weird symbolism in the advert read this article here. They decided to take the “Blue Whale” from a suicide game played by sadists on the internet and intersperse it with a new-age cultist advertisement for killing yourself.

In 2019 a phenomena online occurred called the Blue Whale: A “suicide game” aimed at teenagers. The “Blue Whale Challenge” worked thusly; every day for fifty days you are given a task to do.

The first set of tasks are innocuous enough. “Wake up in the middle of the night”.

Each task became more sinister.

“Stand on a tower block ledge”.

“Cut a Blue Whale into your arm”.

On day fifty the user is told to kill themselves.

(DiplomaticPost, Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale: Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled, 1 Feb 2024)

Marx and Engels Struggle Against The Pro-Pederast Movement

We are quite reminded of Engel’s when he was dealing with the smuggling of pederasty into the labour movement. Karl Ulrich was one of the first homosexual propagandists. With Wikipedia describing him thus.

Ulrichs has been described as the “first gay man in world history.” (

Karl Ulrich began trying to propagate his new theory of “identities”. Prior to Ulrichs “theories” if you engaged in compulsive homosexual sex this might be considered a vice you slipped into. Ulrich inverted it and assigned new identities (much in the way the modern LGBT movement does) by the sexual acts you commit.

Ie. You are an “identity” because you have committed a sexual act. The rotten genesis of Karl Ulrich is to define sexuality in such narrow terms that people identify as a fake community by what sexual acts they commit.

Ulrich designated Urning as masculine but with a “feminine soul”.

The normal man he(Karl Ulrich) calls Dioning, the abnormal man Urning. Among Urnings, those who prefer effeminate males are christened by the name of Mannling; those who prefer powerful and masculine adults receive the name of Weibling; the Urning who cares for adolescents is styled a Zwischen-Urning…. Ulrichs maintains that the body of an Urning is masculine, his soul feminine, so far as sex is concerned.(JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS, A PROBLEM IN MODERN ETHICS BEING AN INQUIRY INTO THE PHENOMENON OF SEXUAL INVERSION, 1896)

At this time the Lassallean trend (an opportunist one) was prominent in the Workers movement. Ferdinand Lassalle promoted a pederast convicted of trying to rape a fourteen year old boy in a public park, Johann Baptist von Schweitzer, in his organisation.

The Lassalleans had thus promoted Schweitzer, who was convicted for

It was stated there that between nine and ten on the morning of August 4, 1862, the accused was arrested in the Mannheim Palace Park for having there seduced a boy under fourteen years of age into undertaking an indecent act. But since the boy ran away and his age could not therefore be ascertained, the sentence that resulted was not for a crime against morality [Verbrechen gegen die Sittlichkeit], but only for the giving of public offense through the public perpetration of an indecent act (Hubert Kennedy, Johann Baptist von Schweitzer:: The Queer Marx Loved to Hate, Feb 1995)

Karl Ulrich put together a defense for this pederast, Schweitzer.

In 1864, without naming Schweitzer, Ulrichs had mentioned his imprisonment in 1862, adding: ‘‘As early as that time I put together a kind of defense for him and sent it to the prisoner in two letters. One letter got through to him–but only by an oversight. The examining magistrate added the other to his file on the case.’(ibid)

Later Karl Ulrichs would write a book called Incubus, in which he hoped to manipulate the Workers movement for his own ends; the spreading of pederasty. In Incubus, Karl Ulrich maintains that “Urnings” have deeply aggressive sexual urges that occasionally induces them to kill their partners. Karl Ulrich admits his sexual drive is like this. (For those of you rolling your eyes and insisting “that’s not what current bourgeois-sexuality is like! Now people have loving relationships!”. They may want to scroll down to The Gift documentary where homosexuals promise each other “I’ll give you your death” – in the form of giving them HIV. So loving!).

The Urning(editor “Urning” was the word by the first homosexual propagandist Karl Ulrich to describe a man with a “female soul”. This is how long they’ve been smuggling their filth into the labour movement and the seed of the “transgender” movement was planted by what Wikipedia calls “the first homosexual”) you sent me is a very curious thing. These are extremely unnatural revelations. The paederasts [homosexual paedophiles] are beginning to count themselves, and discover that they are a power in the state. Only organisation was lacking, but according to this source it apparently already exists in secret. And since they have such important men in all the old parties and even in the new ones, from Rosing to Schweitzer, they cannot fail to triumph. Guerre aux cons, paix aus trous-de-cul [war on the cunts, peace to the arse-holes] will now be the slogan. It is a bit of luck that we, personally, are too old to have to fear that, when this party wins, we shall have to pay physical tribute to the victors. But the younger generation! Incidentally it is only in Germany that a fellow like this can possibly come forward, convert this smut into a theory, and offer the invitation: introite [enter], etc. Unfortunately, he has not yet got up the courage to acknowledge publicly that he is ‘that way’, and must still operate coram publico‘ from the front’, if not ‘going in from the front’ as he once said by mistake. But just wait until the new North German Penal Code recognises the droits du cul [rights of the arse-hole] then he will operate quite differently. Then things will go badly enough for poor frontside people like us, with our childish penchant for females. If Schweitzer could be made useful for anything, it would be to wheedle out of this peculiar honourable gentleman the particulars of the paederasts in high and top places, which would certainly not be difficult for him as a brother in spirit.

Friederich Engels, CW 43, p.295

It should not be a surprise to anyone that Karl Ulrich was a Malthusian, calling the Earth “overpopulated” in the 19th century to justify his antisocial behaviour.

Like Symonds, he rejected the idea that Holy Scriptures condemned homosexual acts or that the biblical directive to “increase and multiply,” had any relevance in modern society. Ulrichs dismissed the latter argument with a Malthusian quip that “habitable portions of the globe are rapidly becoming overcrowded.” (Randy Engel, The Rite Of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church vol 1, p185)

The Lassallean Arse-Fuckers

In the 1870s in the German working class movement there took place a merger of two trends: the Social-Democratic Workers Party and the Lassallean General Association. The SDWP was led by August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknech whilst the LGA was led by Wilhelm Hasselmann, Wilhelm Hasenclever.

At the congress of Gotha in 22-27 May 1875 these two trends formed a new party, the Socialist Workers Party of Germany.

However the draft of programme of this new Party contained serious mistakes and concessions to the Lassalleans. One of the major fights in the International Workingmens Association (IWA) was against Lassalleanism. In 1874 the IWA, led by Marx, at it’s national convention, whilst strongly supporting working class action, adopted a statement of principles “rejecting all cooperation and connection with political parties formed by the poessessing classes”. Also declaring “the Federation will not enter into a truly political campaign on election movement before being strong enough to exercise perceptible influence”. This resolution was aimed at the opportunistic political conceptions and activities of the Lassalleans.

In 1875 Karl Marx would write a retort to new Socialist Workers Party of Germany and the programme they had outlined at the Congress of Gotha. This work would become a foundational text for Communists, The Critique of The Gotha Programme.

It is of interest that Engels, discussing the clash with the Lassalleans in the 1870s, links their rotten programme of revisionism to their promotion of homosexuality.

You will have read Marx’s article (ed Critique of the Gotha Programme) in the Neue Zeit. To begin with it aroused great wrath in the socialist powers-that-be in Germany but now they appear to be simmering down a bit. In the party itself, on the other hand, there was great rejoicing, except among the old Lassalleans. The Berlin correspondent of the Vienna Arbeiter-Leitung, which you will get by the next post, actually thanks me for the service I have rendered the party (I believe it’s Adolf Braun, Victor Ad- ler’s brother-in-law and Liebknecht’s deputy editor on the Vorwärts). Liebknecht, of course, is furious, since all the criticism was aimed specifically at him and he was the progenitor, together with that bugger(arse-fucker) Hasselmann, of the rotten programme. I can comprehend the initial dismay felt by the chaps, who have hitherto insisted that ‘comrades’ should approach them only with the utmost delicacy, on finding themselves being handled thus sans façon,” and their programme unmasked as pure rubbish. (Marx and Engels, Collected Works Vol 49, p126)

Anglos Continue To Spread The “American-Way” – Now A Part Of Their Foreign Policy Strategy

Through culture American’s continue to spread the “American way” where they want to turn your wife and son into whores for the bourgeoisie. The “condom scene” from the Sex and the City movie where one of the characters is throwing condoms at arab men whilst thrusting her hips telling them “I have sex!”

It doesn’t take a genius to see why Americans as a matter of popular culture (which is all created and maintained by the CIA anyway) and as a matter of US foreign policy that promiscuous attitudes toward sexual life are being pushed. Afterall it was Sal Ah Din that stated

“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.”

That Americans are funding Pride parades in central and Eastern Europe. Paying as much as $15000 for one event. For instance if you look at the money gifted out to an organisation called BPW. The US government says this funding is

To support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics and by expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world.

So what are BPW doing?

Organising reading of “queer literature” to children.

Picnics for “queer youth”.

LGBT worship at churches.

All in an obscure Czech city… the national interest of the United States is at stake.

Social-Media – Networks For Paedophiles

In 2023 Wallstreet Journal conducted an investigation into META – that owns Facebook and Instragram. They discovered a vast paedophile network.

Instagram, the popular social-media site owned by Meta Platforms, helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content, according to investigations by The Wall Street Journal and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. (Wallstreet Journal, Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network, June 2023)

The paedophile’s at Meta actively promote this content.

“Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems.”

“Even glancing contact with an account in Instagram’s pedophile community can trigger the platform to begin recommending that users join it.”(ibid)

Utterly interesting. The alogirithms on Facebook and Instagram are primed politically. They can immediately detect a Communist or Anti-Imperialist spirit. Banning their accounts immediately. Shunning their organic growth. Shadow banning posts (so the average user does not see them).

But for paedophillia nothing can be done, apparently.

“The researchers found that Instagram enabled people to search explicit hashtags such as #pedowhore and #preteensex and connected them to accounts that used the terms to advertise child-sex material for sale.” (ibid)

In decadent Liberal societies that take individualism as their standard banner cannot degenerate into the disgusting mess of Western society. The imperialists, having strangled all possible forms of economic growth and a handful of nations (NATO) clip coupons at the expense of the globe. Why wouldn’t people, under these conditions, begin to prey on the most vulnerable in society?

It is precisely the parasitism and decay of capitalism, characteristic of its highest historical stage of development, i.e., imperialism. As this pamphlet shows, capitalism has now singled out a handful (less than one-tenth of the inhabitants of the globe; less than one-fifth at a most “generous” and liberal calculation) of exceptionally rich and powerful states which plunder the whole world simply by “clipping coupons”. (Lenin, Imperialism)

The bourgeoisie, this decadent bunch of effete degenerates, degenerates first but then this parasitism affects the working class movement also.

The rentier state is a state of parasitic, decaying capitalism, and this circumstance cannot fail to influence all the socio-political conditions of the countries concerned, in general, and the two fundamental trends in the working-class movement, in particular. (ibid)

By December 2023 the Wallstreet Journal waxed lyrical as to how Meta’s platforms were still “having problems with paedophilies ruling the roost of META social-networks”.

Platforms has spent months trying to fix child-safety problems on Instagram and Facebook, but it is struggling to prevent its own systems from enabling and even promoting a vast network of pedophile accounts.(WSJ, Meta Is Struggling to Boot Pedophiles Off Facebook and Instagram, Dec 2023)

The complete control of social-media by sodomites in the pay of Western Intelligence services can be seen in Ghislane Maxwell being a supermod of Reddit. Maxwell of course being the Athiestic-Jewish intelligence linked notorious paedophile that was tasked with entrapping as much of the bourgeoisie and popular cultural figures into sleeping with underage girls for a blackmail racket. Overwhelming evidence suggests the user /u/MaxwellHill on reddit was Ghislane Maxwell.1

After Ghislane Maxwells arrest the account went silent.

And Reddit got to scrubbing the paedophile references to in her account in real time when people realised the account belonged to a high up Western and Israeli intelligence linked paedophile tasked with entrapment. 2

Reddit also had, as it’s most “popular city” in 2014 as Eglin Airbase. A US military institution. Accessible by the wayback machine.

Most addicted city (over 100k visits total)
Eglin Air Force Base, FL (, Get ready for Global reddit Meetup Day, plus some stats about top reddit cities and languages., May 08, 2013)

Social-media is essentially paedophile networks created and managed by the US military and it’s assets in intelligence to shape and manage public perception. The proliferation of paedophillic content in these networks is seeing a giant rise in paedophillia in the West.

The imperialists (the US State/NATO and it’s psychological warfare operators) have attacked humanities sexuality as a form of corrupting humanity and limiting it’s ability to reproduce itself, as we will see, as a form of population control.

Liberalism and Individualism: Reaches It’s Logical End… With The Liberation From Life Itself

Alexander Dugin recently did an interview with Tucker Carlson where he outlines that the cult of the individual has led to the point of separation from all social bonds.

First religious and cultural bonds. Then social bonds. Then familial bonds. Eventually bonds from sex (as even men and women can constitute a “community”).

The final bond Dugin outlines is the “human bond”. The trend to transhumanism would signify the unification of machines with humans but would fundamentally alter what it is be human. The trandgender psyop that was washed through social-media networks that promote padophillia (or are run by paedophiles in the case of Ghislaine Maxwell being a supermod of was to soften up a gullible public for altering what it means to be human.

If someone no longer wishes “to be bonded” to human life then it should be their individual right to appeal to the State to have them kill you.

For the Transhumanists they believe that the merging of humans with machines will achieve a superior being to human beings. They consider humanity an evolutionary dead end. Malthusianism and Eugenics marries well to this ideology held by the bourgeoisie. Not only are they a “superior class” but “superior beings” who will soon transcend above homo sapiens and become “Homo-Deus” (latin for man-god) as Yuval Harari outlined in his book of the same title.

The same can be said of human life itself.

With this rickshaw economy being built in the West I’m sure some app will be built soon enough. Killeroo, just one click away from having a low paid wage slave from an app come over to your house and kill you for a one time fee.

Matt Hancock Wants To Kill You – The Scientific Killers Coming To Britain

With the absolute success of the expansion of the MAID program in Canada whereby people are offered death by the State instead of healthcare or housing the British State is eager to get killing its “useless eaters”. That do not provide profit to their system of wage slavery. Matt Hancock tells us

“For 50-years we’ve had a legal choice over who to love, for a decade we’ve had a legal choice over who we can marry.

“The time has come for Parliament to vote on changing the law to allow assisted dying, to help prevent terminally ill people from suffering very painful deaths.” (Matt Hancock,, April 29, 2024)

Having seen the success of Canada and the expansive Democidal apparatus being built in Canada, Matt Hancock would like to guilt your granny into killing herself if she “becomes a burden”. The motivating factor of representatives of the British bourgeoisie, all of whom are decadent parasites, is their full Misanthropic hatred of humanity.

Isn’t it utterly fascinating how Hancock chose to link the “choice” of gay marriage to Euthanasia? It is not an accident. Liberal Scientific Killers like Karl Popper understood this well. We should understand first of all that Open Society refers to, essentially liberalism. Popper defines “Closed Societies” as anything outside of Liberalism.

On the other hand, it must be admitted that the tribal ‘closed society’ has something like an ‘organic’ character, just because of the absence of social tension. The fact that such a society may be based on slavery (as it was the case with the Greeks) does not create in itself a social tension, because slaves sometimes form no more part of society than its cattle; their aspirations and problems do not necessarily create anything that is felt by the rulers as a problem within society. Population growth, however, does create such a problem. In Sparta, which did not send out colonies, it led first to the subjugation of neighbouring tribes for the sake of winning their territory, and then to a conscious effort to arrest all change by measures that included the control of population increase through the institution of infanticide, birth control, and homosexuality. All this was seen quite clearly by Plato, who always insisted (perhaps under the influence of Hippodamus)on the need for a fixed number of citizens, and who recommended in the Laws colonization and birth control, as he had earlier recommended homosexuality (explained in the same way in Aristotle’s Politics, 1272a23) as means for keeping the population constant; see Laws, 740d–741a, and 838e. (For Plato’s recommendation of infanticide in the Republic, and for similar problems, see especially note 34 to chapter 4; furthermore, notes 22 and 63 to chapter 10, and 39 (3) to chapter 5.) (Karl Popper, The Open Society, p637)

Organs of NATO-Fascism Link Their Warmongering To LGBTP Rights

Liberal Totalitarians Promote Homosexuality To Stifle Population Growth For “The Environment”

It is not just liberal totalitarian Karl Popper who views homosexuality as a population control device.

In the British Medical Journal, a thoroughly bourgeois journal, we learn that everyone should be concerned about population growth because of “environmental degradation” and that we should “promote homosexuality”.

Except for the Pope and President Bush, and their respective phalanxes, everyone, including the BMJ, is eager to proclaim that homosexuality is not an aberration. So far no one seems to have recognised its evolutionary role.

The survival value of homosexuality for the human species is to be found in its effect on population growth. Anyone who is worried about environmental degradation caused by the growth of the human population should promote homosexuality. Indeed, it would be desirable if most people became homosexual and only a small, selected proportion of humans of every recognisable subgroup attended to the modest reproductive needs of the species.

The ideal social organisation of mankind in this overcrowded world would be one in which the majority lived in homosexual monogamy. If homosexuality became the norm, population numbers would decline precipitously.(Imre Loefler, British Medical Journal, Of evolution and homosexuality, )

Those that consider the world overcrowded never seem to want to leave this world voluntarily, and thereby contribute to solving the “overpopulation problem”.

The British Medical Journal continues homosexuality should be promoted, why “breeders” will become a minority and reproduction will become an “aberrant behaviour”.

…Avoiding reproduction is a cultural activity par excellence.

As far as recruitment into the breeding groups is concerned, in the immediate future there will be no shortage of volunteers. But eventually, as the breeders will become a minority, there is the danger that they will be discriminated against. Protection of “aberrant” behaviour such as reproduction will be just as much in the interest of the species as is now the upholding of homosexual rights for the sake of reversing population growth.

Prejudice against homosexual marriage will diminish as soon as people realise that that newly established institution is a guarantor of “natural” population policy. (ibid)

With “breeders” increasingly becoming a minority as the working class is squeezed by inflation, it’s tax base washed out through forever wars like Afghanistan/ Ukraine to the imperialist class and the rest we are already seeing the rise of an extremist “child-free” movement, composed primarily of extreme misanthropic narcissists, that show their hatred for people who propagate the human species. .

This cultural artifact has at it’s roots the research done by imperialist-bourgeois organisations: The Rockefeller Foundation, Club of Rome, Tri Lateral Commission, Ford Foundation, Getty Foundation…and the rest. “Overpopulation” is the underlying reason for these imperialist think tanks to fund the sexual revolution with fraudulent science. Just as “overpopulation” is the reason for funding the Climate movement and it’s torrent of fraudulent science.

The fake science that made co2 a pollutant and the mass sterilisation campaigns of the 20th century to the fake pandemics conducted by “predictive modellers” that cut their teeth in scientific fraud with the Neo-Malthusian movement of the 1960s/70s with Limits to Growth/Population Bomb and the demand for a technological-feudal society who’s primary aim is depopulation.

In one way or another, all official and liberal science defends wage slavery. (Lenin, Marx-Engels-Marxism)

Under such relations of the working class to economic production, the ability to develop is stifled by fake concerns of co2 and fake concerns of “overpopulation”.

The Rise Of The Totalitarian “Open Society”

Despite Communism’s victorious stride in 1945, due in large part to the heroic Soviet Union and the Communist Partisans across the European continent making the most and determined effort to erase Nazi filth from the world whilst the Anglo-Americans sought to prolong the conflict as long as possible. Then supported the resettlement of Nazi’s all across the Anglosphere either for scientific technological advancement or as soldiers in the “fight against Communism”. Whether it was tens of thousands of Ukrainian Nazi’s being resettled in Canada to act as an ultra violent anticommunist block against the Soviets. Or former Gestapo leader, Reinhard Gehlen, who was taken out of his Nazi uniform and put to work by the CIA organising far right Eastern Europeans.

In the twilight of Stalin’s years he fought relentlessly against revisionist traitors in the upper echelons of the Party. This traitorous trend would eventually win out with the Kruschev coup of 1953 and the “Secret Speech of 1956 denouncing Stalin.

After 1945

Stalin and his political allies were in a minority on both the Central Committee of the CPSU and its Political Bureau

William Bland, Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union,

That the Leningrad Affair of 1948 was a counter-attack against revisionists within the CPSU. Four years after the Leningrad Affair Stalin would counter-attack publicly and in the arena of theory.

“Stalin’s strong objections to Voznosensky’s economic theses were made public only more than four years’ later, in 1952 — the significance of the delay will be discussed below — in his “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR”,


Whilst Stalin was able to counter-attack this revisionist trend in the Party in 1952 with the masterpiece Economic Problems of Socialism In the USSR in 1953 he died (likely murdered by the Kruschevite political faction) and the revisionist faction came to power. The 1956 Kruschchev “Secret Speech” (conveniently leaked to the West but not the majority of the Communist Party) sealed “Stalinism”, along with it’s economic program, into the dustbin of history. The Kruschevites brought out a long list of lies in that “Secret Speech” that have been dissected at length by Grover Furr and proven to be lies.

The 1965 Kosygin Reforms saw the profit motive return, hiring and firing return to Soviet society and the privatisation of the tractor farms. With the restoration of the market and economic planning hammered home as a “Stalinist holdover” it would not be long before the Soviet’s gave up on socialism and fighting imperialism and pulled the red flag down themselves.

So as Liberalism emerges in the Cold War, renewed with vigour by Karl Poppers totalitarian Liberalism, Communism (as a political ideology and historic world force) is already on the backfoot. Couple in the mass murder of imperialist wars, Operation Gladio and economic embargo, oil manipulation via the Saudis to keep the oil prices low to push Soviet Union into a decade of stagnation. All the whilst funding religious fundamentalists in Afghanistan and courting a fifth column of liberal traitors inside Russia.

It’s not hard to see why the Soviet Union would collapse in 1991. And on the ashes of the Soviet Union, the decadent United States built it’s unipolar moment. Understanding that this moment was fleeting the only thing the United States could do is push the world toward degrowth. This had already been outlined in the Kissinger Report or National Security Memorandum 200 where population growth was outlined as a threat to US national security. Because growing populations would demand more from their comprador governments and throw out US aligned dictatorships all over the globe.

The promotion of promiscuous sexuality and homosexuality – a practice repressed in every single culture and religion for thousands of years, and for good reason. Is to attack the very foundation of human reproductive capabilities to ensure the stagnant, rotten mode of production (Capitalism) remains victorious.

The Reactionary Sexual-Revolution Of the 1950s

Some on the female conservative side of the aisle (and a miniscule remnant of Communists that actually read Origins of The Family by Engels) are already realising that the 1960s sexual revolution was reactionary.

Unfortunately for these young “Conservatives” (what does conservatism conserve?) it was Thatcher that declared there was “no such thing as society only families!”

Why should they be surprised a generation down from this they’re teaching castration, double mastectomies and drugs that were previously used to castrate sex offenders as hip “new identities to get attached to and celebrate”.

All conveniently leading to sterilisation and a non-production of the human species.

It is well to remind today’s Communists that the Soviet Union handed out medals to women for having 7+ children.

The Homosexual Collective is able to build a warchest to finance and fund so much homosexual activism because they are rarely economically oppressed. They are wealthier and better educated than the general population.

According to the Simmons Market Research Bureau, gay men and women have incredible market muscle … In consumer marketing circles, gay couples are known as DINKS — Double income, No Kids. Simmons Research estimates that gays represent a 24 billion-dollar market. … In the early 1990s, a demographic study showed that gay men had an average household income of $51,325 … compared with the national average of $36,520.(Randy Engel, Rite Of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church vol 2, p476)

It is not a surprise that DINKs, that used to refer to homosexual couples, spread to heterosexual couples. (Guardian, Dual income, no kids … and loads of free time: dinks are back – and being smug on social media)

Paul Cockshott re-examined this phenomena in 2017 in his article Class and the LGBT lobby and discovered not only were heterosexuals paid less than homosexuals but they did a staggering amount more of socially-necessary labour time.

Whilst concluding

I think that a plausible economic argument can be made for one of his (editor: Cockshott is referring to Gearoid O Colmains masterpiece Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence) key arguments – that the political gay movement expresses middle class and upper class interests.

The vapid hatred of children is another. Whilst the Guardian promotes the “DINK movement” of a “new way to experience life” the implicit hatred of children appears. Instead of directing their fire and fury at the bourgeoisie who are waging a ruthless class war of extermination of the working class. The petite-bourgeois are such revolting philistines their class origins cause them to fear being ground into the Working Class more than they do the bourgeoisie. They attempt to retain their crumbling position in imperialist society by foregoing children and hoping to achieve the economic status of the homosexuals of the 1990s.

The unhinged hatred of children begins to foment. Take for instance a typical random comment from the

In America, most people can’t. Doesn’t stop them from having a litter of rodents. I have a neighbour who has 4 kids and almost nothing in the bank. I blame religion.

The “almost nothing in the bank” expresses the genocidal intent toward the Working Class by it’s snivelling petite-bourgeois and professional managerial class who have completely been subsumed in bourgeois ideology.

Saint Bernardino degli Albizeschi pointed this out in the 14th century. The linking of the sodomites with hatred of children.

Bernardino portrayed the inveterate sodomite as a man who is apathetic toward the fair sex, opposed to marriage, a hater of children and practitioners of sterile and perverted sexual practices which greatly offended God. (Randy Engels, The Rite Of Sodomy: Homosexuality And The Catholic Church, p76)

The class content quickly becomes apparent – even those that join the “childfree movement” rediscover Saint Bernadino’s marked point.

A working class woman recounts her joining this “Child-free” movement. Only to get up front and close with the class hatred directed at her and working-class women.

I scrolled down past that first comment that stopped me in my tracks, to another, similarly ostracising sentiment. In big bold letters, it read: “Why should we have to pay for these women’s children because they can’t keep their legs closed?” (This accompanied a news article about a woman living on a council estate struggling to provide for her five children because a system error paused her benefits – ones she’s presumably entitled to receive).

The comments on the thread ranged from misinformed and annoyed all the way to aggressive and outright dehumanising. Some claimed the woman is “everything that’s wrong with the world” while others say she embodies the selfishness of “breeders” who have children they can’t afford. In another child-free by choice Facebook group, with 37,000 members, I saw the same article was shared and the commenters referred to her as a “slag”.

Just like the scorn I, and my mum, faced in the noughties, the sentiments in the Facebook groups stemmed from the assumption that working-class women are innately promiscuous, and therefore lesser people. While I was writing my book, Sluts – which investigates where slutshaming comes from, how it affects marginalised people and what we can do about it – I learned that slutshaming and classism go hand in hand. In fact, often when slutshaming seems to be about sex, it isn’t at all. It’s about power structures and keeping them in check. (iNews, I joined the childfree movement – and discovered its dark side, May 9, 2024)

You will note the accusation of Working Class women “having children they can’t afford”. This sentiment is genocide (a step that Canada has already taken). Under capitalism free abortions are forced abortions. When we are looking out for the interests of our class (and certainly to become the dominant class) the demand for “free abortions” becomes a reactionary one. Lenin already described this is “Neo Malthusian.” (The Working Class and NeoMalthusianism)

The many anarchists and Troto-Revisionists portray the abortion ban in 1936 in the Soviet Union as the “degeneration of socialism”. It was anything but.

With the rise of full employment, the inability to be fired and the building of socialism abortion had become a reactionary “right” that coveted the individual.

Lenin’s wife Krupskya and Stalin led the fight for banning abortion in 1936, two revolutionaries who have done more for working class women than the entirety of the Trotskyites, Anarchists and other hangers on of the workers movement. It was a method of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat revolutionising society and setting the role of women as mother’s creating a new society.

Not licentious spinsters retreating into individualism.

If future Communists were to look at the pure inability of the Communist movement to produce any successes in imperialist societies. To not even attempt Communist revolution since 1936 Spain in Western Europe: one need only look at how the bourgeoisie were able to bourgeoisify their working class. Turn one half of them into a collection of porn addicted degenerates. This week, feeble and feminised working class. Who’s leadership abandoned ship for Liberalism long ago. Who were held in check by a virulently reactionary middle class, who’s entire economic basis it’s stealing crumbs from the imperialist table of psychotic finance capital, that are essentially the type of human being Saint Bernardino described over 600 years ago.

Who’s ‘communists’ are sodomites only interested in chasing their own sense sensations. What discipline can you expect from an effeminate population interested purely in it’s own, decidedly bourgeois, decadence?

Base And SuperStructure

But as we saw in The Scientific Killers Vol II, the war on the working class extends to the type of labour the working class have access to. The energy policies waged against the working class involved wholesale exporting the most revolutionary element of the British working class, the coal miners. Under this new pervasive and ratlike Green ideology, the possibility for productive work was closed off.

These middle class walking rubbish-bags are completely bourgeois in outlook. Divorced from productive labour they are involved in unproductive labour leading to their deadening, contemptible view of humanity. The productive labour they live off usually isn’t even occurring in their country anymore. Handsomly paid off for doing the excel equivalent of digging a hole and filling it in all day and able to sit happily scoffing up tugboats filled with Chinese goods. Then making sure production is placed somewhere else rather than Britain because of fear of their own working class. Idiotic windmills are built in places like Ferndale that used to have thriving coal mining communities as the victory of finance capital over the working class. (Diplomatic Post, The Scientific Killers Vol II: Depopulation, Genocide and The Black Hand Of Malthus. An Energy Policy, Yes, But For Which Class?, April 7 2024)

The pathetic dregs produced in such a society would shrug their shoulders as their children are groomed to be forcefully sterilised and mutilated. Popularised by father of Trans ideology, activist and Pederast John Money.

You Do Not Have A “Right To Die”

This is worded incorrectly but has become the 3 word clamour call for the “Right To Be Murdered”. Of course you have a “right to die”. You can commit suicide in a myriad of different ways and no one will stop you. The “right” being discussed in bourgeois society is the right to be murdered by someone else.

The demand to be murdered is a clarion call of Western Imperial society. And if such a society were capable of self reflection it would be one of enormous shame.

LGBT Activist, Alfred Kinsey: Pederast and Rockefellers Man

Alfred Kinsey is an LGBT hero. He also worked with paedophiles that raped children as young as five months. One four year old was raped by a pederast that Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey institute protected. Research that would be shown to the American public that “children are sexual from birth”.

Kinsey was so influential

a 1953 issue of TIME magazine concluded that “Kinsey…has done for sex what Columbus did for geography.”(A pro LGBT organisation inducts Alfred Kinsey in 2012. Waxing lyrical about Alfred Kinsey. Listen to their “mission statement”: “The award-winning Legacy Project is a Chicago-based cultural and educational non-profit dedicated to researching and promoting the contributions Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people have made to world history and culture. It is driven by a core of historians, biographers, educators, youth advocates, social activists, and community and business leaders who share a commitment to ending the redaction of LGBTQ contributions from shared human history.” – Legacy Project, 2012 Inductee)

Just as the hatred of children by libertines comes to the fore in imperialist society so does the trend to pederasty. Afterall, if you only care about your immediate sexual gratification you’ll hate children because they interrupt your opportunity for sex. A significant portion of the population would then turn to prey on children. Engels made this plain in Origins of the State.

The latter, who would have been ashamed to evince any love for their own wives, amused themselves with hetaerae in all kinds of amours. But the degradation of the women recoiled on the men and degraded them too, until they sank into the perversion of boy-love, degrading both themselves and their gods by the myth of Ganymede.

The bourgeoisie are decadent and degenerate beyond belief but Alfred Kinsey’s lies live on today. Indeed they are World Health Organisation prescription for the education of children.

WHO Considers Babies Sexual From Birth – A Lie From The Pederast Alfred Kinsey

The World Health Organisation considers babies sexual from birth.

“The World Health Organisation (WHO) is under pressure to withdraw guidance for schools recommending that toddlers “ask questions about sexuality” and “explore gender identities”.”(Telegraph, Outrage over WHO advice on sexuality for infants, 13 May 2023)

A lie taken from the child abusing Rockefeller funded, self-confessed eugenicist, Pederast Alfred Kinsey.

“The homosexual movement has long been campaigning for a lowered or eliminated age of consent, arguing that boys (and girls) are fully capable of “orgasm.” Thus, they should be allowed full sexual “rights,” including the “right” to sex with adults. New York University Press’s publication, Lavender Culture, by Jay and Young, was first published in 1978 and republished in 1994. It argues for this “right” in the chapter, “Gay Youth and the Question of Consent.” These activists base their arguments on Kinsey’s “children are sexual from birth” dogma, as well as the claim that men and women who have sex with children are largely harmless and in control of their abuse—if they are merely counseled. The ABA-ALI-MPC Code cites the California Sex Crime Reports, 1950-1953, which accepted Dr. Kinsey’s claims of low “recidivism” rates for child sex predators, pedophiles, and pederasts.” ( Judith Reismann, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, p501)

The basis for Alfred Kinseys “children are sexual from birth”, a deranged sex obsessed freak funded by the Rockefellers, was the abuse of babies of paedophiles. Documented proudly in Alfred Kinsey’s book is the amount of “orgasms a baby had” over a 24 hour period in Table 34. From Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male by Alfred Kinsey.

What is displayed in the table above is an ongoing rape of babies as young as five months old for periods of up to 24 hours.

A gullible Western public in the 1950s was able to push through the “sexual-revolution” and a general trend to pederasty by a bunch of paedophile Scientists in the Kinsey Institute to normalise ever more pathological sexual behaviours. Seemingly the “truth” would out into the general public with documentaries like Kinsey’s Paedophiles. But by this time the general trend to pederasty had already advanced significantly in bourgeois society.

Alfred Kinsey, An LGBT Activist In The Pay Of The Rockefellers

In fairness to the gullible idiots of the 1940s and 1950s, Alfred Kinsey and his Kinsey Institute had the backing of the Rockefeller Foundation. A Foundation that has an inordinate amount of power in the US State. During World War 2, which was foisted on the world by Anglo bankers and oil cartels, American Intelligence merged with the OSS, CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation to conduct mass psychological warfare against their own populations. The connections made in this period would extend well into the Cold War.

The presentation the Rockefeller Foundation gave Alfred Kinsey was comparable to the “Einstein of sexuality” instead of a pederast supporter.

In 1990, when some of my child-abuse findings were printed in a small-circulation book, Phil Donahue, a popular talk show host and Kinsey devotee, telecast Kinsey’s general importance to the world. A boy in his audience asked why Kinsey should matter to him, today. Mr. Donahue instructed the youth, too young to remember: Kinsey was to sexuality what Freud was to psychiatry, what Madame Curie was to radiation, what Einstein was to physics. Comes along this woman [Reisman] saying, Holy cow! E doesn’t equal mc2. We’ve based an entire generation of education of sexologists on Kinsey, and Kinsey was a dirty old man. (Judith Reismann, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, p33)

One has to give it to the Rockefeller Foundation who propagandised for the Kinsey Institute. Who truly are the “State within the State”.

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis– while supportive of the concept of evolutionary law–was concerned about philanthropies such as the Rockefeller Foundation. He issued this warning about their powerful special-interest influence under the guise of benevolence: “There develops within the State a state so powerful that the ordinary social and industrial forces existing are insufficient to cope with it.… [Their power is] inconsistent with our democratic aspirations.”The Foundation enthusiastically supported the concept of “eugenics,” which encourages the reproductive efforts of those deemed Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis to have “good” (“eu” from the Greek for good) genes, while discouraging or stopping procreation by undesirables. This view had motivated the Foundation’s earlier support of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, and her eugenic and birth control movement. But Rockefeller and others were anxious to go even further to mold America’s breeding patterns along evolutionary lines. The Foundation considered Kinsey’s “quantitative content” sex research of critical importance to the “grand scheme.” As Professor Christopher Simpson wrote in Science of Coercion: The Foundation sought “quantitative” data to provide “a tool for social management” that is postwar “psychological warfare” with which to impose the will of the elite “on the masses.”

Judith Reismann, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, p202

The Rockefeller Foundation of course knew Alfred Kinsey and his merry band of paedophiles and the filth and smut they pushed on the Western public was fake but they paid for it, propagandised for it and silenced all dissenters.

Kinsey’s preposterous statistical data served the Rockefeller Foundation’s larger purposes. You will recall that six years prior to the Reece Committee hearings the Foundation had been informed of the bad data by Warren Weaver, the head of its Natural Sciences Division. In 1948, Weaver had discussed Kinsey’s lack of scientific methodology with Allen Wallis of the University of Chicago, and later wrote that although monies for “the National Research Council Committee for Research in Problems of Sex were, from 1934 through 1941, recommended to the Trustees by me,” the Kinsey research was a scientific farce. He had bluntly asserted, “I know of no evidence that Dr. Kinsey understands the underlying statistical character of his work,” and had charged that neither Kinsey nor his assistant, Clyde Martin, had “the competence… [or] interest” in correcting this shocking fault. Weaver was, for example, appalled to discover that “Kinsey quotes an ‘average,’ which on examination, turns out to be an average of just one case!” Despite the exposure of Kinsey’s worthless research by Weaver, Wallis, Hobbs, and other credible critics, Rockefeller Foundation trustees continued to fund the Kinsey sex studies until 1954, when the Reece Committee planned to publicly examine both Kinsey and his data.

Judith Resimann, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, p275

But what could we expect from an organisation (the WHO) founded by a British imperialist wanting to “remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas” to usher in a world government.

“In 1948, Christolm founded a UN-affiliated body called the World Health Organization (WHO) with the aim of promoting mental and physical health of the world. A noble endeavor carrying much responsibility and power requiring a leader with exceptional insight into the nature of sickness and health. Sadly, based upon his own sick views of the nature of mankind and society, Chrisholm was certainly the wrong man for the job.

Among the greatest causes of war and mental sickness in Chrisholm’s mind were not to be found in imperialism or economic injustice, but rather in society’s belief in right and wrong. Writing in 1946 Chrisholm laid out the purpose of “good” psychotherapy and education saying: “the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people- these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy”.

But it wasn’t simply the “concept of right and wrong” or “faith in the certainties of old people” which had to be eradicated, but monotheistic religion, family, and patriotism. Speaking eight years later, Chrisholm said: “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas”.”(Matthew Ehret, How the Unthinkable Became Thinkable: Eric Lander, Julian Huxley and the Awakening of Sleeping Monsters, May 24 2021)

The defining feature of the scientific killers is to reduce human beings completely to isolated atoms with no social bonds. An insipid, vacuous, brain washed, rootless cosmopolitan, with no attachments to anything. A borderless nomad-consumer thrown from one territory to the next at the whims of capital. This defeated, spineless creature will accept anything happening to them. Pedophilia is being taught in schools and the only one who cares about it are the Cosmopolitan muslims dreaming of their caliphate. The rest of the Working Class, years of being duped and brain washed by their “betters” in the Working Class movement, shrug and go “oh that’s what’s being taught in schools now. I guess everyone is sexual from birth”.

John Money, Father of Transgender Ideology, The LGBT Activist Pederast That Blurred The Lines Between Sex and Gender

Enter John Money. The Homosexual movement geared up for ever more disturbing pathologies. For Money this meant wanting to expand his pederastic desire to see boys in girls clothes. His big break came with the Reimer twins. In 1966 a pair of twins were circumcised.

This pair of twins (who’s lives would end tragically in both their suicides with the blame piled up at John Moneys feet) were having issues urinating. The Doctors advised the parents were seeing advised that circumcision should fix the problem. For a strange reason David Reimer was circumcised with a glorified soldering iron (predictably) burning his penis off and ruining his penis. John Money was immediately pushed onto the family who recommeneded David Reimer be raised as a girl because “sex is a social construct of learned behaviour”. Jonh Moneys “research” would herald him as

For Dr. John Money, the medical psychologist who was the architect of the experiment, the so-called “twins case” became the most publicly celebrated triumph of a forty-year career that in 1997 earned him the accolade “one of the greatest sex researchers of the century.”(John Calapinto , As Nature Made Him, p7)

Whilst his research laid the foundations for tens of thousands of sex reassignment surgeries worldwide. The Reimer twins were a success, according to John Money. Cue the curtain close and end credits. LGBPT is a natural phenomena and if that just so happens to mean the imperialist class can now push sterilisation and mutilations on developing children under “healthcare”

Except John Money was a liar, as well as a pederast. John Money the paedophile had abused the boys, faked the research and as David Reimer (now Brenda Reimer after destroying his penis) began almost immediately to question whether she was a girl because she felt like a boy. Estrogen was given to Reimer during his adolescent development to develop breasts. But Money’s child abuse of the Reimer twins so impressed David (Brenda) Reimer that he told his parents if they made him see Money again he’d kill himself. David at fourteen demanded from his parents the truth in which they told him what had happened. At this time David went from Brenda to David and David lived as a boy.

David Reimer never felt like a boy as Brenda. He was dubbed “cavewoman” by his peers. Neither female hormones or frilly dresses made him feel like a girl.

His brother, who had been abused by John Money killed himself with antidepressants in 2002.

David Reimer killed himself two years later.

Meanwhile Reimer’s case had been sold as a success story to the world. Tens of thousands of “gender affirming care” had been given to vulnerable children and adults as a result.

The Homosexual movement married itself to the US State as far back as Alfred Kinsey. The recent explosion of Transgenderism is a result of the imperialist ruling class wanting to sterilise as many people as possible for reasons of population reduction we will get into shortly but not before examining the bizarre circumstances surrounding David Reimer that get stranger and stranger.

Unless you take the position that the United States is waging a psychological warfare operation waged against the worlds population by a billionaire class obsessed with birthrates.

The “Botched” Circumcision of David Reimer Likely A Deep State Operation

Suspicions quickly arise here: the doctors choose to circumcise David’s penis (his name was Bruce Reimer at this period of his life) not with a knife, as it has been performed for thousands of years but with what amounts to a glorfiied soldering iron. Whilst the doctors themselves told contradictory testimonies.

Read the bizarre account of the latest testimony by the doctors and ask yourself what on earth is going on here.

According to the later testimony of operating room personnel, the electrocautery machine was turned on, and the hemostat dial, which controlled the amount of heat in the needle, was set at the minimum. Dr. Huot lowered the needle and touched it to Bruce’s foreskin. Subsequent testing of the machine revealed that it was in proper working order. Whether through temporary mechanical malfunction, user error, or some combination of the two, the needle failed to sever the flesh on the first pass.

The hemostat control was turned up. Once again the instrument was applied to the foreskin; again it failed to cut. The cautery machine’s current was increased. The needle was once again brought into contact with the foreskin. “I heard a sound,” recalls Dr. Cham, “just like steak being seared.”

A wisp of smoke curled up from the baby’s groin. An aroma as of cooking meat filled the air. A urologist was quickly summoned. On duty that morning was Dr. Earl K. Vann. He cleared the instruments and inspected the organ. It appeared oddly blanched in color. He felt the penis with his gloved hand and noticed that it had an unusual firmness. Vann took a probe and attempted to pass it through the urinary meatus—the hole at the end of the penis.

The probe would not pass through. Vann told the operating room personnel that he would have to perform an emergency suprapubic cystotomy to place a catheter and thus enable the baby to pass urine. He made an incision below Bruce’s belly button, then threaded a length of tubing into the incision, through the muscle wall, and into the bladder. This was sewn into place. A bag to catch the child’s urine was affixed to the free end of the catheter. The baby was then wheeled out to the burn ward. It was decided not to attempt to circumcise his twin brother. (John Calapinto , As Nature Made Him, p37)

A further detail on the circumcision

On nights when Ron worked the late shift, the Reimers’ normal routine was for Janet to prepare dinner, which they would eat together when Ron got home from work shortly after midnight. They would talk about their day, maybe watch a little TV, and often not make it to bed until two or three in the morning. They’d usually sleep until noon or one. They were sleeping on the morning of 27 April when the phone rang.
Janet answered. It was the hospital calling.
“They said to come in and see the doctor,” Janet recalls. “They said there was a slight accident, and they needed to see us right away.” Ron took the phone and asked the person on the other end of the line what was going on. “They just said they wanted to see us,” Ron says. “They didn’t say there was anything wrong.”
But Ron and Janet could tell by the person’s tone of voice that something unusual was happening. (ibid)

For some reason the hospital was holding both children whilst the parents slept at home. How long do circumcisions usually take?

From start to finish, the entire procedure usually takes about 15 minutes or less. Your baby will probably be able to return to the hospital room with you after a brief observation.(John Hopkins Medicine, Circumcision)

A circumcision takes approximately 20 minutes.(Cleaveland Clinic, Circumcision)

And they

Use a scalpel to remove the foreskin.(ibid)

Ok, so they kept both twins overnight and circumcised one of them with a glorified soldering iron. They can’t have fucked up that bad though?

Standing over Bruce’s bassinet in the burn unit, she looked at his penis—or what was left of it.
“It was blackened, and it was sort of like a little string. And it was right up to the base, up to his body.” To Ron the penis looked “like a piece of charcoal. I knew it wasn’t going to come back to life after that.”
Nevertheless, Janet asked the urologist, “Will it still grow, and he’ll just have a little penis?”
The doctor shook his head. “I don’t think so. That’s not the way it works.”
Over the next few days, baby Bruce’s penis dried and broke away in pieces.(Calapinto, p38)

Now you may consider this to be a tragic series of bizarre events. The multiple testimonies of the doctors. The incompetance of the person in charge of the soldering iron to turn a penis into a piece of charcoal.

But if we were going to ascribe ulterior and nefarious motives to imperialist society and it’s coterie of pederasts: if you really wanted to test your “theories” of “sex being a social construct” and you came across a pair of twin boys… Wouldn’t they be ideal test subjects?

Monster John Money Abuses The Reimar Twins

John Money reigned over the Reimer twins as some colossal figure. The Reimer twins parents had taken a pederast with sexual theories washed in science. But instead they had handed their beloved children over to be butchered and experimented on by the United States. Money’s dual personality made an appearance.

Money had two sides to his personality, according to the twins: “One when Mom and Dad weren’t around,” Brian says, “and another when they were.” When their parents were present, Money was avuncular, mild-mannered. Alone with the children he could be irritable or worse, especially when they defied him. They were particularly resistant, the twins say, to Money’s requests that they remove their clothes and inspect each other’s genitals. David recalls an occasion when he attempted to defy the psychologist. “He told me to take my clothes off,” David says, “and I just did not do it. I just stood there. And he screamed, ‘Now!’ Louder than that. I thought he was going to give me a whupping. So I took my clothes off and stood there, shaking.” In a separate conversation with me, Brian recalls that same incident. “‘Take your clothes off—now!’” Brian shouts. (Calapinto, Chapter 5)

The documented abuse by Money.

But the children did not enjoy these enforced activities—particularly those involving “play at thrusting movements and copulation,” which Brian recalls that Dr. Money first introduced when the twins were six years old. Money, he says, would make Brenda assume a position on all fours on his office sofa and make Brian come up behind her on his knees and place his crotch against her buttocks. Variations on the therapy included Brenda lying on her back with her legs spread and Brian lying on top of her. On at least one occasion, Brian says, Dr. Money took a Polaroid photograph of them while they were engaged in this part of the therapy. Of all the therapy the children received, this particular form of counseling left the deepest impression on both twins. Today David is still unwilling to speak about it. “There are some things I don’t want to remember,” he says. In 1989 he did describe the sessions to Jane Fontane, the woman who would become his wife. The two had just watched a TV documentary on CIA torture involving electroshock to people’s genitals. “He cried hysterically,” Jane told me. “He was crying about John Money. I’d never seen him like that. I tried to comfort him. David said Dr. Money made him go on all fours and made Brian go up behind his butt. They were being photographed. He mentioned that very act.” (ibid)

Is it any wonder that the Reimer twins who had been experimented on by an active Pederast since the day they were born ended up killing themselves?

Pro Pederast LGBT Activist Leigh Finke Redefines “Sexual Orientation To Include Paedophiles

On 02/13/2023, a man that “identifies” as trans, Leigh Finke, removed the exclusion of paedophiles from “sexual orientation”.



Live stream of hearing

In the above amendement Finke crossed out the paragraph the specific “sexual orientation” that

“Sexual Orientation” does not include physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.

The old bill specifically excluded paedophiles via the addition of this paragraph. The bourgeoisie and their filthy activists in the LGBT movement are working toward a complete normalisation of the most depraved of bourgeois decadence: paedophillia.

Doug Ireland – a full time homosexual propagandist In Service Of Imperialism

Modern homosexual propagandists, upset at Karl Marx, who referred to homosexuals as “faggoty-pricks”, can be heard whining in Douglas Ireland in Sexual Liberation, Human Freedom in the social-democratic imperialist rag, Jacobin.(Grayzone, DSA/Jacobin/Haymarket-sponsored ‘Socialism’ conference features US gov-funded regime-change activists, July 6, 2019) .

Marx, in commenting on Karl Boruttau’s Gedanken über Gewissens Freiheit (Thoughts on Freedom of Conscience), disparaged the author as “this faggoty prick” (Schwanzschwulen). The homophobia of Marx and Engels has been meticulously documented by Hubert Kennedy of San Francisco State University, Ulrichs’s US biographer, in his essay “Johann Baptist von Schweitzer: The Queer Marx Loved to Hate

Douglas Ireland praises some of the most disgusting revisionists of the 20th century.

and he was able to secure public support for repeal from socialist leaders like Karl Kautsky, Edouard Bernstein, and the SDP’s parliamentary leader August Bebel (who introduced the repeal bill into the Reichstag). (Douglas Ireland in Jacobin, Sexual Liberation, Human Freedom, 10.28.2013)


Engels, however, tied their Lassallean revisionists of his time to their promotion of homosexuality.

Elsewhere homonationalist Douglas Ireland whines about the Blacks not liking LGBT.

(Witness the fact that in all the November 2008 state referendums to ban gay marriage, those communities of color voted overwhelmingly against marriage equality for same-sex couples.)

The Scientific Killers have waged an unrelenting war against the Black population of United States. Abortion clinics were disproportionately placed in black neighbourhoods. Listen to Dr Umar Thompson discuss how the American white elite have used homosexuality against the blacks to limit their numbers. Blacks used to be fifty percent of many areas of United States. Only with aggressive eugenics policy has this number been whittled down – including the promotion of homosexuality.

“LGBT movement is nothing but a weapon of genocide. Everyone knows that a gay black man has a 50 percent chance of contracting AIDs. And though AIDs victims are living longer they’re still dying younger than anybody else. So homosexuality for the average black man is a death sentence… Atlanta, Georgia has an AIDs epidemic amongst its gay black males that rivals the AIDs rape in many second and third world nations.”

Umar Thompson

Iranian activists pointed to Doug Ireland as a shameless propagandist for Empire using “gay rights” as his tool of weapon. Doug Ireland and Gay City News were basically uncritically pushing stories presenting Iran as a hell on earth for homosexuals. Even defending the rapists of an underage boy in Iran and their subsequent execution.

In blog entries that read like tabloid sensationalism, Tatchell in Britain and Ireland in the United States have since repeated unsubstantiated claims they receive from politically motivated exile groups.

MR Online, Let’s Not Trivialize Discrimination in Iran, May 22 2007

In fact wikipedia makes plain the cosmopolitan homosexual politics of Doug Ireland obvious, a servant of imperialism.

Ireland’s reporting on Iran in the several years after 2005 drew harsh rebuttals from a number of Iranian activists,[10] as well as from Scott Long, director of the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch. They charged that Ireland and Gay City News generally were uncritical in relying on sources who maintained that two young men hanged in Mashhad, Iran in mid-2005 –– after being convicted of raping an underage boy at a time when they themselves were underage –– had in fact been involved in consensual sex. Long and some other human rights advocates criticized activists and reporters, including Ireland and controversial British campaigner Peter Tatchell, saying they were engaging in unwarranted speculation about the motives for the case.[2][11]

Ireland continued to produce articles claiming a pattern of “anti-gay” executions in Iran. However, no professional human rights organization ever endorsed these claims, or identified any recent case of persons sentenced to death for consensual homosexual conduct in Iran. Long and others became increasingly critical, charging that Ireland and others were making claims without evidence, and imputing a Western gay identity to Iranians coming from a very different cultural experience.

Hubert Kennedy A Homosexual Anarchist Writing Sob Stories About The Revisionist and Pederast Johann Baptist von Schweitzer

Another homosexual upset at Karl Marx calling someone a “faggotyprick” is Hubert Kennedy. Hubert tells us in moralising terms that

It is perhaps this near silence that has encouraged gay Marxists to believe that an analysis sympathetic to homosexuality can be made on the basis of Marxist principles. This may indeed be possible, but it will have to be done without the personal opinions of Marx and Engels. Not that their opinions cannot be known; they were expressed to one another in their correspondence, and they were distinctly unsympathetic. This will be illustrated here by comments found in a search for references to Johann Baptist von Schweitzer (1833-75), whom they regarded as a boy-lover.(Hubert Kennedy, Johann Baptist von Schweitzer:: The Queer Marx Loved to Hate, Feb 1995)

But as has already been pointed out (and indeed noted in Huberts own article), Schweitzer was a boy lover! He was convicted in court of trying to have sex with a fourteen year old boy in a public park!

But the motivations of the pro-pederast Hubert Kennedy are made clear by the end of his article in which the following pro-paedophillic comment is made.

Today much of the socialist left appears to tolerate homosexuality, if not entirely accept it–at least for ‘‘consenting adults.’’ And again it is the anarchists who are in the vanguard of those who accept the rights of people of all ages to determine their own lives. (ibid)

The sexual revolution allowed for the destruction of social-bonds. Promiscuity, afterall, being a highly anti-social act. Only once people were crowded into cities, social-bonds cut from familial obligations and wider societal obligations and the working class developed into a mass consumer cult of the individual .

It allowed, unfortunately, for the tragic release of male sexuality whilst women were told they should adjust their sexuality to become like men.

An impossible task which any woman that has taken testosterone can attest to. A few conservatives are beginning to evaluate the sexual revolution and come to the tenuous conclusion it failed. They are a minority on the right – considering that the Right is just as depraved as the Left in imperialist society.

Every society on earth has curtailed promiscuous (ie LGBT) behaviour for thousands of years. J D Unwin wrote in Sex and Culture in 1934 a study of a multitude of societies and concluded that sexual “liberation” concluded in a collapse of society within 3 generations. The main take away from the Sex and Culture is that when men get easy access to sex (which trends to LGBT) they hyper-focus on sex and push their energy to obtaining the next orgasm. In sexually regulated societies the energy used is toward building things and culture.

Sex and Culture shows plainly that the effect of sexual constraints, either pre or post-nuptial, has always led to increased flourishing of a culture. Conversely, increased sexual freedom always led to the collapse of a culture three generations later. The highest flourishing of culture had the most powerful combination: pre-nuptial chastity coupled with “absolute monogamy”. Rationalist cultures that retained this combination for at least three generations exceeded all other cultures in every area, including literature, art, science, furniture, architecture, engineering, and agriculture. Only three out of the eighty-six cultures studied ever attained this level.

Monogamous marriage is an achievement of civilisation and unsurprising why Engels would write in Origins of the Family.

Since, however, monogamy arose from economic causes, will it disappear when these causes disappear? One would not be wrong to reply: far from disappearing, it will only begin to be completely realised. For with the conversion of the means of production into social property, wage labour, the proletariat, also disappears, and therewith, also the necessity for a certain—statistically calculable—number of women to surrender themselves for money. Prostitution disappears; monogamy, instead of meeting its demise, finally becomes a reality—for the men as well.

Lenin’s View

Is it any wonder that Communist societies took this same view? In 1924 under Lenin a pamphlet was released, in part by the amount of ultra-left retards in the Communist movement trying to push perverted sexuality onto the proletariat. Titled The Twelve Sexual Commandments of the Revolutionary Proletariat it became the template for sexual relations in the Soviet Union.

There must be no premature development of sexual life among the proletariat.
Sexual abstinence is necessary before marriage, and marriage should be only made in a state of full social and biological maturity (that is, 20-25 years).
Sexual intercourse is only the final completion of deep comprehensive sympathy and affection for the object of sexual love.
Sexual intercourse should be only the final link in the chain of deep and complex experiences that bind lovers at the moment.
Sexual intercourse should not be repeated frequently.
The sexual object shouldn’t be changed often. There should be less sexual variety.
Love should be monogamic and monoandric (one woman, one man)
With any sexual intercourse, one must always remember the possibility of the birth of a child and, in general, think about offspring.
Sexual selection must be built along the line of class, that is, the revolutionary-proletarian suitability. Elements of flirting, courtship, coquetry and other methods of specifically sexual conquest should not be introduced into love relations.
There shouldn’t be jealousy. Sexual love life, built on mutual respect, equality, deep ideological closeness, and mutual trust, does not allow lies, suspicion, or jealousy.
There should be no sexual perversions.
The class, in the interests of revolutionary suitability, has the right to interfere in the sexual life of its members. The sexual must obey the class in everything, without interfering with the latter, serving it in everything. (Aron Zalkind, The Twelve Sexual Commandments of the Revolutionary Proletariat , 1924)

What’s more Lenin himself had struck back against these ultra-left Communists that will eventually morph into the hippy, hippy, free love and modern pederast movement.

“The changed attitude of the young people to questions of sexual life is of course based on a ‘principle’ and a theory. Many of them call their attitude ‘revolutionary’ and ‘communist’. And they honestly believe that it is so. That does not impress us old people. Although I am nothing but a gloomy ascetic, the so-called ‘new sexual life’ of the youth – and sometimes of the old – often seems to me to be purely bourgeois, an extension of bourgeois brothels. That has nothing whatever in common with freedom of love as we communists understand it. You must be aware of the famous theory that in communist society the satisfaction of sexual desires, of love, will be as simple and unimportant as drinking a glass of water. This glass of water theory has made our young people mad, quite mad. It has proved fatal to many young boys and girls. Its adherents maintain that it is Marxist. But thanks for such Marxism which directly and immediately attributes all phenomena and changes in the ideological superstructure of society to its economic basis! Matters aren’t quite as simple as that. A certain Frederick Engels pointed that out a long time ago with regard to historical materialism.

“I think this glass of water theory is completely un-Marxist, and, moreover, anti-social. In sexual life there is not only simple nature to be considered, but also cultural characteristics, whether they are of a high or low order. In his Origin of the Family Engels showed how significant is the development and refinement of the general sex urge into individual sex love. The relations of the sexes to each other are not simply an expression of the play of forces between the economics of society and a physical need, isolated in thought, by study, from the physiological aspect. It is rationalism, and not Marxism, to want to trace changes in these relations directly, and dissociated from their connections with ideology as a whole, to the economic foundations of society. Of course, thirst must be satisfied. But will the normal person in normal circumstances lie down in the gutter and drink out of a puddle, or out of a glass with a rim greasy from many lips? But the social aspect is most important of all. Drinking water is, of course, an individual affair. But in love two lives are concerned, and a third, a new life, arises, it is that which gives it its social interest, which gives rise to a duty towards the community.

“As a communist I have not the least sympathy for the glass of water theory, although it bears the fine title ‘satisfaction of love’. In any case, this liberation of love is neither new, nor communist. You will remember that about the middle of the last century it was preached as the ‘emancipation of the heart’ in romantic literature. In bourgeois practice it became the emancipation of the flesh. At that time the preaching was more talented than it is today, and as for the practice, I cannot judge. I don’t mean to preach asceticism by my criticism. Not in the least. Communism will not bring asceticism, but joy of life, power of life, and a satisfied love life will help to do that. But in my opinion the present widespread hypertrophy in sexual matters does not give joy and force to life, but takes it away. In the age of revolution that is bad, very bad.

Lenin and The Euhlenberg Affair – The Parasites Surrounding Wilhelm Kaiser

The German state under Wilhelm Kaiser was deeply parasitic. The German elite were effete and degenerate. This German bourgeoisie would soon send millions of Germans to die in World War 1. In fact Samuel Igra makes the following point.

Not one of the belligerents in the first world war entered the war out of fear of hunger or want. Germany was one of the most prosperous countries in the world. She had raw material for her industries in sufficient quantities to enable her to produce a large surplus which she was able to sell in the foreign markets and thus exchange it for the foodstuffs she lacked at home.(Germanys National Vice, p61)

Germany chose war anyway. In 1907-1909 a scandal erupted around Kaiser Wilhelm which would come to be known as the Euhlenberg Affair. The Euhlenberg Affair was a series of trials between 1907-1909.

In which practically all of his aristocratic associates were outed as homosexuals. Lenin, commenting on the Moltke v Harden trial;

Effete, depraved, and degenerate this social group presents a striking example of the most revolting parasitism. To what depths of depravity this degeneration can descend is borne out by the scandalous Moltke v. Harden trial in Berlin(ed Homosexual scandal involving an ever-expanding circle of Wilhelm Kaiser), which revealed what a filthy cesspool the influential camarilla at the court of the semi-autocratic German Emperor Wilhelm II really was. It is no secret that with us in Russia similar abominations in corresponding circles are no exception. (Lenin, Collected Works Volume 13, p124)

Stalin was similarly disgusted by, what he considered, a diseased way of life.

Those who search for sexual scandal in Stalin’s life will search in vain. I recall Radek speaking to me of Stalin’s reaction to the vagaries and often abominable aberration’s in the sexual life of modern civilization. Several illustrated German books dealing with the subject lay on Radek’s table, which was as usual piled with volumes newly arrived from Europe and America. Stalin was just about to leave Radek’s room when he noticed these books and began thumbing over their pages. Turning to Radek he asked: “are there really people in Europe who do these kinds of things?” “Yes, of course,” answered Radek. “Stalin,” Radek said to me, “looked utterly disgusted, shrugged his shoulders, and walked away without saying another word.” To Stalin they reflected a diseased way of life, and he was a normal healthy man in his reactions to disease whether of the mind or of the body.

Murphy, John Thomas. Stalin, London, John Lane, 1945, p. 137

British Homosexual Harry Whyte Trying To Push Homosexualism In The Communist Movement

When a British homosexual in the Communist Party began pushing homosexuality rather than Marxism-Leninism. A familiar staple of the juggernaut we now identify as “Identity Politics”.

Whining about the contrast of the treatment of homosexuals and trying to shoehorn this “oppression” into the same guise as racial oppression and working class oppression by the bourgeoisie. After spending a considerable amount of time pushing homosexuality in the Workers movement he then sought to enlist Stalin in this endevour. Sending Stalin a letter whining about “homosexual rights” .

The letter contained a long missive with the all too familiar kvetching. Likening homosexuality to “Womens rights” the “rights of minorities” and “coloured races”.

Whyte reminded Stalin of his criticism at the Seventeenth Party Congress in 1934 of “leveling” (uravnilovka) in wages, living standards, and “tastes and personal byt” as a form of “primitive asceticism” unworthy of Marxism. These comments against leveling “have a direct connection to the question” of homosexuality, the journalist argued, since the new law forced a biologically distinct minority to comply with “sexual leveling.” (Dan Healy, Homosexual Desire In Revolutionary Russia, p188)

Whyte here propagates the lie of “born this way”. But so goes the homosexuals. When they are on the backfoot they declare that they’re “born this way”. When they’re on the front foot they declare there is no science to justify being born this way so “everyone should experiment”.

Or write songs about “converting your children”. (The main chorus refrain out of a San Francisco homosexual choir is “We’ll convert your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.” – “A Message From the Gay Community” Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus,

Allow pro-LGBT Lisa Diamond to explain this history of the LGBT movement utilising the “born this way argument” to manipulate the masses, admitting there is no science behind “born this way” and that actually now they have rights they should push “fluidity”.

Stalin, however, did read Whytes letter and wrote on it “An idiot and a degenerate. Archive”.

Western “Left” Upset At Soviet Union’s Article 121 And The Proliferation of Sodomy Among The Nazi’s

Stalin was informed upon passing this law the Western European “left”(ie social-fascists, pro-imperialists and labour aristocratic “left”) would be disappointed.

Soon after the relatively low-key official adoption of the new anti-sodomy statute, Stalin was made aware of the kind of reaction it would receive among the Western European left.(ibid)

It fell to the great Maxim Gorky to explain to this “left” why the Soviet Union had adopted this policy in Gorky’s great work, Proletarian Humanism.

Arming adolescents and youths, in addition to revolvers, with the obsolete ideas of nationalism and racism, instilling in the youth social cynicism, a sadistic passion for murder, destruction, the capitalists organize from this youth not only assistants to the police in their struggle against the revolutionary proletariat, but treat them like a poison that will be poured into the blood of the army of workers and peasants, armed with modern mechanical technology of human extermination. The capitalists remember well that the workers and peasants, disciplined by the brutal barracks, showed in 1918-1920 that their senseless, self-destructive, automatic service to the class enemy has its limit, and that beyond this limit there are bayonets and cannons, after millions of workers and peasants exterminate, mutilate each other – cease to serve the interests of capital. Of course, “better late than never”

Not dozens, but hundreds of facts speak of the destructive, corrupting influence of fascism on the youth of Europe. It is disgusting to enumerate the facts, and the memory refuses to be loaded with dirt, which the bourgeoisie is fabricating more and more zealously and abundantly. I will point out, however, that in a country where the proletariat manages courageously and successfully, homosexuality, which corrupts the youth, is recognized as socially criminal and punishable, and in a “cultural” country of great philosophers, scientists, musicians, it acts freely and with impunity. There is already a sarcastic saying: “Destroy homosexuals – fascism will disappear.” (Maxim Gorky, Proletarian Humanism,First published simultaneously in the newspapers “Pravda”, 1934, number 140 of May 23, and “Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee”, 1934, number 119 of May 23.)

Harry Whyte, disappointed he could no longer propagate homosexualism in the Soviet Union and the wider Communist movement, left the Soviet Union in 1935 and was expelled from the Communist Party. Quickly joining the anti-Communist and anti-Stalinist “left”.

he seems to have worked for communist newspapers after 1945, as well as for various publications of the anti-Stalinist left. The MI5 officers who kept track of him noted his descent into alcoholism, as well as his support for Tito’s Yugoslavia after its break with Stalin in 1948. (STEFAN GUZVICA, What Happened When a Gay Communist Wrote to Stalin, May 5, 2022)

The fact that this homosexual would abandon Communism after being unable to propagate homosexuality is telling in his support for Tito’s Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav state was a rotten revisionist State collaborating with US imperialism from the get go. It is entirely unsurprising that getting massively into debt to the United States via the IMF would end with the United States bombing and destroying their country in the 1990s. Yugoslavia was allowed to exist as a socialist State only insofar as they could be pointed to as the “good communists” by the United States because Yugoslavia retained a market.

Homosexual Nazi Party

For the uninitiated reader, or those brought up in bourgeois society may be scratching their heads right now.

“I thought the nazi’s persecuted homosexuals”. Know that that is a lie covered up by bourgeois society (and homosexuals) to continue pushing liscentious behaviour. The Hitlerites were brought to power on the back of homosexuals like Ernst Rohm and Edmund Heine. The SA was the street fighting organisation that brought the Nazis to power and by the mid 1930’s had turned

“Nazi headquarters into a homosexual brothel” in Breslau.(Samuel Igra, Germany’s National Vice, p73)

But not only the SA, the entire of Nazi Society was pushing homosexualism as part of German historical machismo Greek inspired culture. In fact many theorists in Nazi Germany argued that this way of life would strengthen the German Nation and allow them to fight for their race all the better. This subject will be returned to later as it is of matter of vital importance. Afterall the Nazi’s lived well in the 1920s and 1930s. Their utter barbarity was motivated by imperialism and their gluttonous want of more.

With Communist rejection of Homosexuality in the 1930s and liberals upset at the Soviet Unions article

There is already a sarcastic saying: “Destroy homosexuals – fascism will disappear.”

The founder of the SA, the Nazis street fighting organisation, was an aggressive homosexual alongside Edmund Heine

Like several of the early Nazi leaders Röhm was a homosexual and did nothing to hide the fact. (Phillip Carridace, Night of the Long Knives, p61 ebook version)

Modern DPRK’s View

For all the talk of homosexuality being “progressive” – and not regressive and trending to paedophilia and pederasty. Then surely the worlds only non-revisionist Marxist-Leninist state would have left the train on this “progression” a long time ago.

Surely the DPRK has drag queen story time for toddlers.

Same-sex marriage is a late-century phenomenon that can only exist in a rotten capitalist society that pursues “endless freedom,” and is a product of the mental and moral corruption of capitalism that has reached its extreme. It is not difficult for anyone to guess what will happen to human society if same-sex marriage, like the stinky stench and foul-smelling capitalist filth, is pervasive in society. Since such perverted same-sex marriage has become a hot topic for candidates running for the presidential election, called the head of state, the United States is, as everyone says, an upside-down world, a rotten end-of-life society.

Currently, more and more countries are allowing same-sex marriage in capitalist countries. For example, in 2013 the UK allowed same-sex marriage, making it the 10th country in Europe to allow same-sex marriage. If you look at the countries that allow same-sex marriage in Europe, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and France are the examples. In France, on May 29, 2013, the first same-sex wedding (male) was held in the country’s history.

Even with this one fact of same-sex marriage, we can see the true face of a capitalist society where human rationality has been completely wiped out.

Capitalism is the shame of human society, and its destruction is inevitable.

Kim Il Sung University, Same Sex Marriage and the US Presidential Election

Why did socialist societies at their most revolutionary periods consider this?

Autogynephillia And Transvestism Based In Extreme Narcissm

In the book Men Trapped in Mens bodies, a self-confessed Autogynephile collates hundreds of testimonies from other Autogynephiles. An autogynephile, simply put, is attracted to themselves as a woman, basing itself in a form of extreme narcissism.

Blanchard ( 1992 ) subsequently examined the relationship between strength of heterosexual attraction and intensity of anatomic autogynephilia in a sample of 427 transvestic or gender dysphoric men. He hypothesized that “autogynephilia arises in association with heterosexuality but also competes with it” (p. 273) and this is exactly what the data revealed: The highest levels of autogynephilia were associated with intermediate levels of heterosexual attraction. Blanchard interpreted these results as consistent with the theory that autogynephilia is a variant form of heterosexuality that also competes with heterosexual interest. Men with little heterosexual attraction evince low levels of autogynephilia, and autogynephilia increases with increasing heterosexual attraction, at least to a point. Then increasing heterosexual attraction becomes associated with slightly but significantly lower levels of autogynephilia as a result of the theorized competition. 3

The Trans community, that lie extensively to further their goals of sexual transitioning for reasons of sexual paraphillia rather than genuine gender dysphoria 4 , then tried to position women experiencing “Autogynephillia”.

In connection to this they site Moser’s 2009 study. But a brief read of the study blows the doors of this highly ideologically driven study. The questions posed by Moser are whether they feel excited or aroused by wearing things like lingerie. But wearing lingerie is sexual because for the vast majority of women, the reason for putting on lingerie is with the expecation of sexual intercourse with a partner.

Moser ( 2009 ) conducted a survey of 29 natal women to determine whether any of them had experienced autogynephilic arousal. To this end, he constructed an Autogynephilia Scale for Women, using modified items from Blanchard’s scales measuring cross-gender fetishism (Blanchard, 1985a ) and autogynephilia (Blanchard, 1989b ) and a few items of his own devising. Several of Moser’s informants endorsed some of his survey items, but Moser himself conceded that “It is possible that autogynephilia among MTFs and natal women are different phenomena and the present inventories lack the sophistication to distinguish these differences” (p. 544). I subsequently argued that this was indeed the case, because Moser’s items “fail to adequately assess the essential element of autogynephilia—sexual arousal simply to the thought of being a female—because they do not emphasize that element” (Lawrence, 2010d , p. 3). (ibid p41)

Whereas the Autogynephile is aroused merely at the thought of being a woman.

Listen to an autogynephile explain how they cannot orgasm without thinking of themselves as a woman. It is beyond ridiculous to attempt to conflate the sexual excitement women may get at the prospect of dressing sexy for a partner to the mental illness below.

In a detailed account of her SRS experience, Griggs ( 1998 , another MtF transsexual, discussed her lifelong analloeroticism and obligatory reliance on fantasies of being female to achieve orgasm during masturbation. Based on a subsequent autobiographical work (Griggs, 2004 , in which she described one long-term nonsexual relationship with a man and two long-term relationships with women, Griggs’ sexual orientation appeared to be nonhomosexual. She wrote: When I lived as a man, I had no desire to have intercourse with a woman. I likewise had no inclination for a homosexual relationship with a man. Erotic imagery was invariably contingent on my being female, and even during masturbation, whether the object of my desire was man or woman, I could not reach a climax without imagining that I was female. This is still true. When confronted as a teenager by the reality that I was male, my private experience of sexuality was void, and the resulting appetite, or speci fi cally the lack of it, was vaguely questioned by friends, family, and the women I dated. (Griggs, 1998 , p. 50) 5

It is not a suprise that Blanchards theories would gain something of a heretical status in the “trans-communisty”. The fact Autogynephilia is a paraphillia it’s not surprising that they cluster together.

Paraphilias tend to cluster or co-occur: Men with one paraphilia have an increased likelihood of having one or more other paraphilias as well (Abel & Osborn, 1992 ; Wilson & Gosselin, 1980 ) . Because autogynephilia is conceptualized as a paraphilic phenomenon, it is not surprising that many informants described other paraphilias as well. These included sexual masochism and forced feminization, gynemimetophilia and gynandromorphophilia (attraction to feminized men), pedophilia, autonepiophilia (infantilism or adult baby syndrome), abasiophilia and autoabasiophilia (leg brace paraphilia), and unspecified paraphilias. 6

And because paraphilias cluster they can be substituted. Lawrence for instance lists numerous examples of a transexual who had another paraphilia. When that paraphillia was socially unacceptable they were able to recentre their sexuality into a more socially acceptable paraphilia. The below follows a long description of someone expressing transexuality, acrotomophilia and apotemnophilia

My apotemnophilia is still there, but it’s not the overriding drive that it was before. I feel like the destructive force of wanting to become an amputee has been quelled to a large extent and replaced with a more positive notion of becoming something I love: me. I don’t think I can expect the apotemnophilic feelings to just disappear, but now they are not the driving force. (NTS 32) This narrative offers yet another example of the phenomenon of paraphilic substitution. The informant’s intense but unacceptable paraphilia, apotemnophilia, was eventually superseded by a paraphilia that the informant considered more acceptable or benign, autogynephilia.

It should be considered there is no bottom to male sexuality. In other words the more “open to acceptance” sexuality in the degenerate West tumbles down it’s slippery slope the more deranged expressions of paraphillia become socially acceptable and the more they become enacted on.

An Anti-Culture – “I’ll Give You Your Death”

The LGBTP movement oft refers to it’s “sub-culture”. A better description would be an “anti-culture” for the social institutions, literature, politics and ideology of the movement. Basing itself in sexual perversion we see compulsion, fixity, aggression, extreme narcissm, risky behaviour, unresolved conflict, fantasy, denial of basic reality, remaking of reality and strong feelings of hate and guilt.

Because as documentaries like The Gift show… There really is no bottom to male sexuality.

This documentary displays a death cult in existence.

A compulsive addiction driving these men into early graves. Just as Dr Umar Thompson showed that a gay black man was practically a death sentence in USA, with fifty percent of Black homosexuals getting AIDS. Consider the compulsive pathology of gay men seeking to be infected with HIV.

“You know The Gift’s(HIV)… seems like it’s it’s like the biggest box of the whole room of presents it’s got the best bow it’s got the best ribbon and it looks like the biggest and the funnest and you open it up and it’s just like a ball of nothing and it just sucks all the life from me.”

“Give me the gift then I don’t have to worry about it no more.”

“Some people have even said, you know, I’ll give you your death”

The Gift Documentary

If you cannot provide surplus profit, taxes, labour or services the bourgeoisie want you dead. Let bourgeois fascist criminals like Yuval Harari (also a homosexual) explain.

“In Davos we hear so much about the enormous promises of technology – and these promises are certainly real. But technology might also disrupt human society and the very meaning of human life in numerous ways, ranging from the creation of a global useless class to the rise of data colonialism and of digital dictatorships.”(Yuval Harari to World Economic forum, Jan 24 2020)

Gays Against Groomers Realise Where The “Sexual Revolution” Is Going…. But Want A “Freeze”

Gays Against Groomers are similar to the British LGB Alliance. Seeing the circus show of Western sexuality trend to pederasty there is now a desperation among the LGB’s to cut the LGBTQP+ down to LGB. They wish to stop LGB in a timecapsule. In stasis. Yet as history marches on, so will the trend to pederasty. At least until a new generation arises and is able to activate its sexual disgust response mechanism at which point the trend to pederasty will be attacked.

Many alive during the 2000s will remember the familiar slogan “what do you care what we do in our bedrooms?”

Well the LGBTPs are definitely out of their bedrooms now.

Gays Against Groomers insist that actually gays and lesbians were a “actually clothed and acted with decency”.

As we approach the worst month of the year, it’s worth looking back at how our community used to be. Long ago, when Pride marches were just about gaining the same rights as all Americans, it was a respectable cause, and gays and lesbians were actually clothed and acted with decency. Contrast that to the kink-obsessed, hyper-sexual clown show it has become now, and you can see how far our “community” has fallen. The people you see in these pictures would be horrified at what has become of their movement today. They never wanted to push their sexuality on anyone, least of which children, and missing entirely from the picture was the trans mafia and “gender queer” crowd enticing minors to permanently alter their bodies. We believe we can get back to this place, and our organization is here to try.

Which is pure lies. The gay movement was deeply attached to the paedophile and pederast movement from the beginning.

David Thorstad is the former Chairman of the Gay Activist Alliance (GAA), one of the founders of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition (CLGR), co-author of the Movement for Early Homosexual Rights, and founding member of the North American Association for the Love of Men and Women boys ”(NAMBLA) wrote that the original goal of the“ gay liberation movement ”was to achieve sexual freedom for all, including “Freedom of sexual expression for youth and children”however, for the sake of integration into existing social and political structures, the movement has sacrificed its original ideals and now seeks to isolate “Inter-age love as a non-gay issue”.

However, almost all pedophile organizations were founded and run by homosexuals, who are members of various gay organizations. For example, the British pedophile organization – “Paedophile Action for Liberation (PAL)” was founded by homosexuals from the organization “South London Gay Liberation Front”. She then teamed up with another organization called Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members were members of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group, Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Youth, etc.

Former curator of the International Archive for Gays and Lesbians, Jim Kepner hinted that all the historical figures whom homosexuals like to classify as “their own” were lovers of boys:

“If today we reject lovers of boys in our midst, then we better stop waving the banner of the ancient Greeks, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio, Alighieri and Shakespeare. It’s better for us to stop claiming them as part of our heritage if we do not expand our understanding of what it means to be gay today. ” (Thorstad 1991)

The Advocate, the oldest and largest LGBT magazine featuring the mainstream “gay culture,” used an unambiguous pose of the boy as an unofficial emblem in his early years.

Take for instance the lack of backbone in a “feminist” Liberal Cosmopolitan that won’t even fight back against paedophiles trying to lower the age of consent to four because they’re afraid of being accused of “serving the patriarchy”.

In 1979, Eileen Fairweather, a tyro journalist, was writing for Spare Rib , a feminist magazine. She was assigned to read the book Paedophilia: The Radical Case , which argued for lowering the age of consent to four. The author, Tom O’Carroll, was an early member of PIE who was later imprisoned for child-abuse. Fairweather recalls ‘anguished, earnest’ discussions about what to write. ‘I did draft something, arguing that the existing age of consent was not “patriarchal”, but protected children,’ she says. ‘But I never even dared show it to anyone.’ Paedophiles had so thoroughly infiltrated the gay movement by that time that if you dared criticise those calling for ‘child sexual liberation’ you were branded anti-gay. Fairweather says she sees ‘the same intimidation and paralysis of intelligence’ today, caused by the fear of being called transphobic. (Helen Joyce, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality)

So when was this noble period of the LGBT movement Gays Against Groomers refers to? Was it when NAMBLA in USA and Paedophile Information Exchange were organising on the streets?

With the legalisation of beastiality in Spain, Germanys own Zoophiles are out protesting their “right” to fuck dogs. Would any German, seriously, be outside protesting for their right to fuck dogs if homosexuality was banned and/or illegal in Germany?

Sexual Torture By The Imperialists

Consider two things: the so-called War on Terror and Gay marriage. In 2003 all remaining laws against same-sex sexual activity were invalidated.With the onset of the War on Terror we had a whole new barrage of war propaganda but this time with a homosexual edge. It is not for nothing that the War on Terror started in 2003 when the last US State legalised gay marriage.

Engels had long ago associated homosexual activity as that of barborous and declining societies but in this new paradigm “gay rights” became a way of codifying “European values” as a marker of “civilisation”. Under this upside down world the Anglo-European killers were able to dehumanise arabs under the guise “they are throwing gays off roofs”. See articles in the bourgeois press like Why my own father would have let IS kill me( Bbc, Why my own father would have let IS kill me, 23 July 2015).

The familiar refrain during this period was that “we need to bomb Iraq and Syria because they’re throwing gays off roofs”. The trend to pederasty was upheld as a symbol of civilisation and the distinction between barbarism.

What the BBC neglected to tell their captive populations is that the United States created IS as a boogeyman to justify their involvement in bombing the middle east and preventing the arab nation coming together, and eventually being a competitor to American monopolies. ISIS have worked as guns for hire for the American empire. Despite their jihadist claims to Islam, they have never attacked the United States or Israel. The founts of Satan in the region.

So it was that the CIA and MI6 began supporting “nationalist jihadists” throughout West Asia. The next year, Bashar Assad rejected a Qatari proposal to route Doha’s vast gas reserves directly to Europe, via a $10 billion, 1,500 kilometre-long pipeline spanning Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. As extensively documented by WikiLeaks-released diplomatic cables, US, Israeli and Saudi intelligence immediately decided to overthrow Assad by fomenting a local rebellion, and started financing opposition groups for the purpose.

This effort became turbocharged in October 2011, with MI6 redirecting weapons and extremist fighters from Libya to Syria, in the wake of Muammar Gaddafi’s televised murder. The CIA oversaw that operation, using the British as an arm’s length cutout to avoid notifying Congress of its machinations. Only in June 2013, with then-President Barack Obama’s official authorisation, did the Agency’s cloak-and-dagger connivances in Damascus become formalised – and later admitted – under the title “Timber Sycamore”.

At this time, Western officials universally referred to their Syrian proxies as “moderate rebels”. Yet, Washington was well-aware its surrogates were dangerous extremists, seeking to carve a fundamentalist caliphate out of the territory they occupied. An August 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report released under Freedom of Information laws observes that events in Baghdad were “taking a clear sectarian direction,” with radical Salafist groups “the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”

These factions included Al Qaeda’s Iraqi wing (AQI), and its umbrella offshoot, Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The pair went on to form Daesh, a prospect the DIA report not only predicted, but seemingly endorsed:

“If the situation unravels, there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria…This is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want in order to isolate the Syrian regime…ISI could also declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create great danger.” (Al Mayadeen, How CIA and MI6 Created ISIS, 30 Mar 2024)

Pro-LGBT Israel Instituting Sexual torture

In occupied Palestine, admist the rubble and destroyed human beings, a Zionist soldier holds an LGBT flag.

As capitalism corrupts all forms of human interaction in imperialist society. So too does it corrupt sexuality. Just as the imperialists have instituted sexual torture in Abu Gharib the Israeli’s are masters of it.

Another said: “They made me sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire – I have burns [in the anus]. The soldiers hit me with their shoes on my chest and used something like a metal stick that had a small nail on the side.

“They asked us to drink from the toilet and made the dogs attack us.” (Daily Express, Israel accused of torturing detainees with ‘nail guns’ and by putting ‘sticks up rectums’, Mar 13 2024)

Whilst the Zionists sexually-torture Palestinians in their homelands they only take their cue from the depraved United States. Consider the case of Abner Louima, raped by New York Police Department officers in 1997. Raped by a broom handle and requiring 3 corrective surgeries to his bladder and and colon. The American police were quick to insist Louima was “engaged in abnormal homosexual behaviour”. Ironically being true. They just missed out the fact he did not consent to it and the ones doing it were the sodomites in the NYPD. Looking at the gleeful titilation by the officer we find this depraved individual bragging that he “took a man down tonight”.

Sergeant Wernick, who held the rank of officer at the time and is now assigned to the Fifth Precinct in Manhattan, said the conversation started with Officer Volpe’s telling him, ”I took a man down tonight.”

Sergeant Wernick said Officer Volpe then told him about using the stick against Mr. Louima.

The sergeant said Officer Volpe continued his account by saying that he had hit Mr. Louima on the genitals and that he had ”held his hand over his mouth and told him if he told anybody, he’d kill him.”

”He said, ‘You want to go into the bathroom and see the stick?’ ” the sergeant testified as Officer Volpe, at the defense table, alternated between watching him without expression, shaking his head and writing in a notebook.(New York Times, In Surprise, Witness Says Officer Bragged About Louima Torture, May 20 1999)

On 30 July Israeli MP Hanoch Milwidsky from Netanyahu’s Likud party stated it was legitimate to sodomise Palestinian detainees in Israeli dungeons.

Israeli Psychological Warfare: Porn As A Weapon

On March 30 2002 the Israeli military forces captured Palestinian Television broadcasting studios during their occupation of Ramallah, in the West bank.

After the occupation of the broadcasting studios they began airing porn on all the TV channels. The sudden shock of seeing hardcore pornography broadcast into their homes. This psychological warfare was aimed at paralysing Palestinian society so they could not mount an effective resistance to Zionist killing.

St Thomas Aquinas claimed “lust darkens the mind” after recalling his struggle with lust as a youth. The popularisation of pornography in imperialist society can be similarly considered a weapon by the imperialist class. Less overt than blaring it through 3 of the 4 TV channels in Palestine but to the same effect.

“Sexual liberation” and the almost hobbyfication of “kinks” in even seemingly normal social-circles produces a human being incapable of mounting resistance and demanding their freedom. Whether it is the Palestinian nation occupied by the Zionists. Or workers under the bootheel of cosmopolitan imperialism.

Enslaved by “sexual-liberation”… because as St Augustine pointed out, a man has “as many masters as he has vices.”

Shit-hole Canada Saving Money By Killing It’s Old And Vulnerable

Canada is perhaps one of the most disgusting societies on Earth.

“Yet not only would Liberalism’s poster boy, Justin Trudeau, oversee a monstrous eugenics campaign where Canada engaged in State murder against her most vulnerable people: the poor and disabled, he would wind up in a few short years clapping like a seal for Yaroslav Hunka in Canadian parliament. A Ukrainian SS officer.

“Canada’s Medically Assistance in Dying program (MAID) began killing people under Trudeau. Individualism, taken to it’s logical conclusion will produce a Nazi eugenics program.”(Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale: Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled)

In the above article I detailed meticuously instances appearing in Canadian media of the many people killing themselves because they were unable to get the right healthcare.

“The government sees me as expendable trash, a complainer, useless and a pain in the a**,” ‘Sophia’ said in a video filmed on Feb. 14, eight days before her death, and shared with CTV News by one of her friends.”

“[MAiD] is exclusively a financial consideration,” she told CTV News Toronto.”

Even the revolting advert extolling the virtues of democide peppered with the Blue Whale (a sadistic game in which an annonymous internet user grooms another person into committing suicide). Playing hippy bullshit music and newage spirituality a woman celebrates her upcoming death. But even she did not want to die.

“I feel like I’m falling through the cracks so if I’m not able to access health care am I then able to access death care?’ And that’s what led me to look into MAID,” Hatch told CTV in June under a pseudonym.

(Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale: Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled)

The T4 Program Too Also Proceeded From Economic Consideration

The ‘euthanasia’ programme for adults was very much bound up with clearing the decks in order to wage war. Hitler and his subordinates did not slither into it through contingent circumstances; nor did beureaucratic mechanisms assume a life of their own in the way that some historians imagine was the case with the ‘Final Solution’. The ‘euthanasia’ programme was a carefully planned and covertly executed operation with precisely defined objectives. Those responsible believed in the necessity of what they were doing. Mentally and physically disabled people were killed to save money and resources, or to create physical space for ethnic German repatriates and/or civilian and military casualties, both in ‘Aktion T4’ and through shootings carried out by the SS in Pomerania and Poland, and in the ‘euthanasia’ programme’s various continuations. In other words, these policies reflected a non-medical agenda..

(Michale Burleigh, Death and Deliverance: “Euthanasia” in Germany 1900-1945)

The Canadian programme too has hit the slippery slope. Now those disgusting NazLibs in Canada have realised they can make great savings on killing people they are offering to as many people as possible.

Elsewhere in the article Canadian veteran recalls how he was recovering from a brain injury at a clinic and felt “he was on the upswing”.

The person who was supposed to be helping him get better at Veterans Affair offered him a Medically Assisted Death. The person on the phone brought it up multiple times even after he stated that “he didn’t consider that an option”. Describing the call to Global News he said he felt “pressured” and was disgusted by the call. He stated his alarm at the persistence of the agent.

(Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale: Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled)

The filthy State of Canada – on the cutting edge of the trend to pederasty. Led by that degenerate, World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader” Justin Trudeau. In a cabinet of Nazi Sympathisers that clap for SS soldiers are at the forefront of the new Liberal Totalitarian ideology.

This disgusting ideology proceeds from the individual and not the collective.

Imperialism in the 21st century is stage managed by an entire media and NGO apparatus to brainwash the imperialist countries with a cult of death – to go along with their own destruction.

Individualism has reached it’s most disgusting and revolting apex in the “right to die”. The general trend to pederasty in this context is tied up with the sex obsessed Western states. As LGBT cannot produce human beings (on the other hand Transgenderism explicitly sterilises them). With the rise of Communism to defeat imperialism this reactionary trend in human history will need to be combated.

Consider these three facts as they are laid bare:

Canada has embarked on a widespread Euthanasia program, showing increasing contempt for human life.

The Canadian Parliament finds one of the few remaining Nazi-Banderite SS officers still alive and their entire Parliament gives him a standing ovation.
In Canadian schools the Canadian state is normalising perverts with autogynephillia to cross-dress whilst wearing comically sized size Z prosthetic breasts. (New York Post, Kayla Lemieux, Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts, placed on paid leave, March 2, 2023)

The blend of imperialist-parasitism in social phenomena and the death-cult of imperialism as a drive to war and destruction is complete. Reflecting on the mass of cruelty of the Nazis, having spent years in Germany prior to the War, Mr R T Smallbones, British Consul-General, stated

“The explanation of this outbreak of sadistic cruelty may be that sexual perversion, and, in particular, homosexuality, are very prevalent in Germany. It seems to me that mass sexual perversion may offer an explanation of this otherwise inexplicable outbreak.” (Samuel Igra, Germany’s National Vice, p7)

Are we to conclude any other opinion from the current state of the warmongering-West?


  1. Not confirmed, but research suggests that /u/maxwellhill, the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs like r/worldnews and r/technology, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell.

    u/maxwellhill – Moderator/Lead Moderator of many huge subs like r/worldnews, r/politics, and r/technology. (user has since been removed from politics and technology subs).

    User is a redditor since 2006, first one to collect 1 million karma, now 8th most link karma, and a “Charter Member”.

    Maxwellhill, is a very active reddit user who produces highly upvoted posts every day and there has been NO POSTING AT ALL since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.


    User was accused of corruption, auto-deleting mentions of their own account and more. Article: Meet the Reddit power user who helped bring down r/technology

    Gizmodo article on the user: The Story of the Most Successful Man/Woman/??? on Reddit

    A couple weeks ago, Mat Honan wrote about the most viral people on the Internet. At the top of that list was Maxwellhill, the first and only Reddit user to achieve 1 Million link karma points

    5 months ago: Person says that you will still see Maxwellhill’s threads even if you block them.

    This user is the true conspiracy of Reddit. Has a swarm of likes following any post and a demons army to refute any dislikes. Impossible to block completely. This account is at the crux of propaganda and BS of Reddit

    Here’s a scrape of their deleted/removed comments:

    User analysis:

    EDIT: NEW POSTUser account is being scrubbed of pedophile references!

  2. I posted investigative research showing Ghislaine Maxwell was a longtime Redditor, curating content at r/worldnews, one of the most widely viewed news sites in the world.

    Anons were up all night scouring and archiving the account history of /u/MaxwellHill.

    Anonymous ID:xEVHAgCv Wed 08 Jul 2020 09:08:07 No.266924716

    Holy shit!!!!!

    They’re deleting her comments regarding paedophilia


    This literally got deleted when I refreshed the page accidentally!!!!! It’s fucking real

    One anon pointed out the significance of these finds:

    Anonymous ID:JpFRiaW2 Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:06:46 No.266919855

    You guys obviously understand this is big news, but I don’t think you understand HOW BIG of news this is. If Reddit admins knowingly gave control of Reddit’s frontpage (essentially) to Ghislaine Maxwell for the last 10 years, that means:

    1) They considered Ghislaine Maxwell important for 9 fucking years before Jeffrey Epstein entered the public consciousness in 2019

    2) Reddit’s executives are implicated by pedogate, and this will probably lead to the shutdown of Reddit itself

    3) One of the largest left-leaning news sites in the entire world was managed by a global pedo ring


    Okay folks, there is a LOT more a lot more digging to do. Please feel free to add any other significant finds in the comments.

    Her entire account was archived:

    Comment archive

    Post archive

    EDIT: Breaks in u/maxwellhill’s posting history on Reddit lines up with the disappearance of Madeline McCann!

  3. Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies p36
  4. “Further evidence that persons who experience autogynephilic arousal with cross-dressing often deny such arousal and that denial is associated with socially desirable responding comes from a recent study involving adolescent boys, mean age 14 years, who were referred to a gender identity clinic because of transvestic fetishism (Zucker et al., 2012 ) . Remarkably, 45 (47%) of 96 boys did not admit to sexual arousal associated with cross-dressing on even a single item of a 10-item scale measuring transvestic fetishism, even though this was the very problem for which they were clinically referred. In this study, too, a socially desirable response style was strongly correlated with denial of sexual arousal with cross-dressing.” ibid p28, see also p29, p30, p31 and p34
  5. p47
  6. Lawrence, p123

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