Class Warfare Takes Every Single Form. No Exceptions. Pederasty and eugenics are a perfect couple. They walk hand in hand. In the development of humanity […]
Transvestite NeoNazi Sarah Ashton Cirillo – Pranked Called by Russian Prangsters
NATO imperialism demands expansion, just as Rome did, before it began to collapse in on itself. When the Soviet Union collapsed the bullwark against NATO […]
Pedophilia Promoted At Balenciago and Addidas
Balenciaga recently released some photos of a photoshoot featuring a child holding a teddy bear wearing a bondage outfit. Visible in the photos is a […]
Transvestite Has Likely Gotten Gonzalo Lira Killed Or Captured
Editorial: Gonzalo Lira has surfaced as alive but captured by the SBU (Ukrainian secret police). He has appeared on the Duran alive but mentally shaken. […]