“Stand Up To Racism” A Zionist Front Organised Against British Farmers

Anyone with any sense of self preservation (let alone a sense of collective class preservation!) should be supporting the British farmers. Many leftoids will be bleating about how they are “not proletarian” (these same leftoids that are mostly unproductive labour aristocrat or lumpen scum).

The Zionist-“Left” are out on the streets calling these farmers “nazi scum”.

The placards they’re holding are “Stand up to Racism”. “Stand up to Racism” are a zionist front designed to monopolise the “left”. (In the same way Tommy Robinson is a Zio-front for the right).

David Miller discusses here how they are a Zionist front. In this video they can be seen switching off a mega speaker for a pro-Palestine protestor at 2:20 of the below video. The Zionists therefore manufacture much division in British society whilst minimising any criticism of the child-killing racist State of Israel.

Why would an “anti-racist” organisation (which doesn’t allow criticism of an entirely racist ideology as Zionism) be so interested in marking pro-British farmers as “nazi scum”?

Britain allows certain types of organisations to exist without prejudice that further the British states agenda. The British bourgeoisie and it’s flunkeys in parliament have long discarded the British nation. It is as Stalin said:

Earlier, the bourgeoisie presented themselves as liberal, they were for bourgeois democratic freedom and in that way gained popularity with the people. Now there is not one remaining trace of liberalism. There is no such thing as “freedom of personality” any more, – personal rights are now only acknowledged by them, the owners of capital, – all the other citizens are regarded as raw materials, that are only for exploitation. The principle of equal rights for people and nations is trodden in the dust and it is replaced by the principle of Full rights for the exploiting minority and the lack of rights of the exploited majority of the citizens. The banner of bourgeois democratic freedom has been flung overboard. I think that you, the representatives of communist and democratic parties must pick up this banner and carry it forward if you want to gain the majority of the people. There is nobody else to raise it. (Stormy applause.)

Earlier, the bourgeoisie, as the heads of nations, were for the rights and independence of nations and put that “above all.” Now there is no trace left of this “national principle.” Now the bourgeoisie sell the rights and independence of their nations for dollars. The banner of national independence and national sovereignty has been thrown overboard. Without doubt, you, the representatives of the communist and democratic parties must raise this banner and carry it forward if you want to be patriots of your countries, if you want to be the leading powers of the nations. There is nobody else to raise it. (Stormy applause.)

So if we understand that the British bourgeoisie are completely cosmopolitan in outlook we can understand that they have zero attachment to anyone in the British nation. The bourgeoisie and it’s leaders who rule us are essentially administrators over an economic zone they couldn’t care less about. If offered a visa to United States to administer some part of the US empire they will take it. Like Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats going to work for Facebook.

They work in London because London acts as a siphon of wealth for the population of Britain. Whilst siphoning off the wealth it also siphons off people who move to London for economic opportunity and absorb the cultural and social values of a globe trotting elite.

And it is why the leader of the ruling government, a Tri Lateral commission stooge, prefers Davos to Westminister.

Why Is The Bourgeois Attacking Farming?

Given that the British bourgeoisie no longer have their wealth, their social privileges and their riches within the British nation – the actually operate as parasites on the British nation – they need to control food supplies to make Britain more dependent.

The Head of Citibank, Walter B.Wriston, wrote a book titled The Twilight of Sovereignty in 1997. He was one of the mentors of Robert Rubin who helped run the Clinton administration. Helped to repeal Glass Steagle and broke up of any economic framework dedicated to growth and a replacement with technocrats. The Twilight of Sovereignty basically describes a world in which national sovereignty is gone to be replaced with regional economic zones. The same sentiment is in Zbigniew Brzezinski‘s Between Two Ages who contributed massively to the United States winning the Cold War.

The Carter Administration, backed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, was the first Tri Lateral Commission government to enter the USA. The current Labour leader is a Tri Lateral Commission stooge.

The Tri Lateral Commission has previously released documents saying democracy is a threat to the smooth running of Capitalism and that technocratic rule would be preferable. The title of this document was the Crisis of Democracy.


Deliberate Baiting By The Labour Party

An ex Labour Aide went onto GB News and ensured himself going viral by stating “we can do to the farmers what we did to the miners”. Labour and it’s compliant whore media have previously stirred up race riots in Britain deliberately as the exceptional Unlimited Hangout has meticulously documented. Reading the full article you discover a few damp squib protests that were hyped by bourgeois media.

Starmer’s so-called “response” to the exaggerated disorder capitalises on an unfounded public sense of unease about the “far-right threat”—an exaggeration largely created by the legacy media, the politicians, and international “charities” like HNH. The politicians and the legacy media have been in lockstep in this endeavour, and the result is the acceleration of policies that have been planned for a long time. There is no political choice. 

This propaganda effort is aimed at convincing the population to acquiesce to increased state surveillance and centralised control. Aiding and abetting it are a number of “influential” NGO “charities” and private contractors. 

The “far-right” has not been shaking the jar. It is largely incapable of doing so. But a nexus of state aligned “partners” certainly have. 


Why then would John decide to use such an inflammatory statement against British farmers.

So as with the “far right protests” that were mostly damp squibs and a handful of racist nutters we see the British State working in ways to manufacture constant crisis.

In Fifth Generational warfare, warfare takes to mass psychological warfare, information warfare and mass manipulation through social media.

Fifth gradient war (5GW) takes this to the next level. It moves from violent crime to manipulation of information and identity at a level where the practitioners are recognized neither as soldiers or criminals. Instead, we are back to individuals and small groups, empowered by technologies and often removed from one another, who act to shape their environment—particularly the nonphysical environment—in ways that are not clear. The conflict is not to conquer the state, or to divide the state, but to undermine the state. It is not so much to rule as it is to make certain nobody else can. There are no warnings, no communiqués, no explanations—or, at least, none that can be trusted—only events which may or may not be random. If a 5GW is successful, a target state will have so lost its legitimacy that it cannot be certain of anyone’s primary loyalty. p85

Whilst what is being described above describes 5th Generation warfare between States the truth is that it is happening between classes too.

In order to rule, todays bourgeoisie needs to operate by creating constant crises and political upheaval. The net benefit comes from the bourgeoisie either achieving their goals whilst people stand around and do nothing. Or they get to embue the State with new rights for political control, new crackdowns on social media.

End Game

The ultimate end game is to restrict food production in Britain. They want people off the lands that are producing food. I’ve seen the typical anti-communist nonsense on Twitter that claim everything that happens under capitalist societies is actually communism that this is similar to the collectivsation process in the Soviet Union. Some of these people may actually be paid feds of imperialism but perhaps some of it is ignorance.

But to clarify the collectivisation process in the Soviet Union was about getting rid of ineffective medieval farming where peasants farmed in tiny strips of land and replacing them with giant American style farms with mechanised agriculture (tractors and mechanised machines instead of rudimentry medieval farming instruments).

What’s more this collectivisation process was a decisive factor in Soviet Union becoming food self-sufficient and winning World War 2.

It is widely supposed that the Russian peasant is against the kolkhozy. That is not so. It may confidently be said that it was just the reform of 1933 that brought victory to Russia in the Second World War, and that in spite of initial failures it was just this happily formulated kolkhoz statute that prevented the collapse of the regime….
It may safely be said that it was thanks to collectivization that the Soviet Union survived the Second World War.
Basseches, Nikolaus. Stalin. London, New York: Staples Press, 1952, p. 191

The peasants turned more and more in favor of collective farming as a result of seeing the state farms and the machine and tractors stations. The peasants would visit the state farms and the machine and tractor stations, watch the operation of the tractors and other agricultural machinery, admire their performance and there and then resolve to join the collective farm. It was in this manner that the collective farm movement developed, i.e., the peasants were persuaded by superior state farms and agricultural machinery to join collective farms–not my arm-twisting or use of force as is asserted by the paid and unpaid agents of the bourgeoisie–the Trotskyites, the ‘learned’ bourgeois professors, and bourgeois intellectuals.
Brar, Harpal. Trotskyism or Leninism. 1993, p. 176

Now a new life was introduced, and, need it be said, it seemed marvelous to the peasant. Hence his eagerness to fight for his country in the Second World War, in contrast to the first.
Basseches, Nikolaus. Stalin. London, New York: Staples Press, 1952, p. 194

I believe our success in collectivization was more significant than victory in World War II. If we had not carried it through, we would not have won the war. By the start of the war we already had a mighty socialist state with its own economy, industry, and so forth.
Chuev, Feliks. Molotov Remembers. Chicago: I. R. Dee, 1993, p. 248

So whilst the anti-communists on Twitter are invoking the spectre of “Soviet Collectivisation” as some boogey man we should understand the bourgeoisie are doing the exact opposite of “Soviet Collectivisation”. That is the Soviets built up giant industrial farms (and indeed clashed with rich peasants over it) to increase food production and food security for the country).

The British bourgeoisie are striking at the farmers in Britain because they don’t want that land to be used for farming food. They want mechanised agriculture with drones spraying pesticides and AI controlled tractors so they have complete control over food distribution and they can move the population onto a restricted diet of bugs and their dairy and meat consumption comes down for the very fake climate nonsense. Britain has already mandated laws that 10 percent of farm land has to go back to the wild. The Netherlands, an agricultural powerhouse has heavily restricted it’s farming based on nitrogen emissions.

And the goal is becoming clearer everyday – they are going to measure amount of carbon you use for every activity and socially control your behaviour with it.

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