Dark Money Behind The “Assisted Dying” bill and Organ Harvesting In Britain

With the incoming Assisted Dying bill in Britain this has been mass astro turfed by bourgeois foundations. Previously I’ve examined so-called “Brain death” in imperialist society after a Kentucky man recently woke up during organ harvesting who had been “declared brain dead”. Brain death is an entirely made up term to harvest the organs of people.

The Assisted Dying bill in Britain has posters plastered all over London of young healthy people. Why? If the target is indeed, people dying in excruciating pain.

But to get to this point let’s start at the beginning.

Kim Leadbeater Is Pushing This Bill In Favour Of Bourgeois “Philanthranpists” (Parasites on the World Economy)

Kim Leadbeater is Chair of a group called More In Common.

The More in Common global website shows that they are funded by various groups.

Their primary funders are listed as

We receive funding in all six countries in which we have offices. These funders include the Robert Bosch Foundation, the European Climate Foundation, the Fondation du Credit Mutuel, Open Society Foundations, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Batory Foundation. [enf_note] https://www.moreincommon.com/about-us/funding/[/enf_note]

The Open Society Foundation are George Soro’s organisation who have bankrolled the transgender movement. The Open Society is also reference to Karl Poppers book the Open Society in which Liberalism is described as the Open Society against so-called “closed societies” like Communism.

One of the primary funders of More in Common is the William and and Flora Hewlett Foundation. This foundation has had as it’s primary goals in depopulation which they have titled The Population Program.

On page 2 of their documents you can read

The Program pursues two complementary goals:
• to enhance and protect the reproductive health and rights of
individuals and
• to stabilize global populations at levels that promote social and
economic well-being and sustain the environment.1

They are overly concerned with population growth rates

Although family planning programs have succeeded globally in meeting many contraceptive needs and reducing population growth rates, progress has been highly uneven between and within regions and countries. Many areas of urgent need remain. 2

Despite the success in reducing unwanted fertility, the work that lies ahead may be even more
daunting than that faced in the past. As the U.N.’s projections recognize, “the realization of these
projections is contingent on ensuring that couples have access to family planning. . . . The
potential for considerable population increase remains high.”4 In order to meet the U.N.’s
“medium variant” prediction depicted in Figure 1 to reach 8.9 billion by 2050, fertility rates must
fall from 2.83 currently to 2.02 on a global scale, including reductions from 5.22 to 2.4 in Africa
and from 2.72 to 1.91 in Asia.3

“Dignity in Dying” Plastering Adverts All Over Social-Media and London

Dignity in Dying is another shell group working for Kim Leadbeater who have splashed lavishly on adverts pushing Assisted Dying.

Guido couldn’t help but notice that the campaign group backing Kim Leadbeater’s assisted dying bill, Dignity in Dying, is ramping up its online advertising game. In the past 90 days alone, they’ve splashed out an eye-watering £181,122 on Facebook and Instagram ads, while since 2018, the total spend has topped £650,000. 4

Belgians Already Salivating At The Organs They Can Get Hold Of

In articles titled Potential Number of Organ Donors After Euthanasia in Belgium you can practically hear the saliva dripping down the ghouls mouths. 5

Canada, who’s MAID program has been in place a while now, is already leading the world in organ donations from euthanasia. 6

Why Assisted Dying?

Palliative care is expensive. Canada already boasts about the reduction in expenses with its fast tracked euthanasia programs. Western governments are also sitting on complete blackholes for pensions.

Many of those who receive State pensions believe (quite erroneously) that the money they have paid in taxes has been put aside to pay their pensions. In reality, of course, pension programmes are simply huge Ponzi schemes. The State pensions which are being paid today are paid out of today’s taxes. And, in twenty years’ time, the pensions which are paid out will be paid out of the taxes which are paid by workers in twenty years’ time. If the size of the aged population can be cut, the annual savings will be measured in billions of dollars.

After thousands of elderly people were murdered in hospitals and care homes during the lockdowns, politicians boasted with glee that the financial savings, in unpaid pensions, would be huge. The more people they kill, the more money they’ll save. 7

“Canada’s Medically Assistance in Dying program (MAID) began killing people under Trudeau. Individualism, taken to it’s logical conclusion will produce a Nazi eugenics program.”12

So too does the eugenics programs not rampant in the West. Astro turfed by billionaire parasites that should be liquidated as a class.

Open The Forces Of Production and Welcome The Socialist Revolution

The Working Class has two paths before them: “One is to endeavor to maintain at all costs the existing class domination at the expense of the requirements of productive development, as well as at the expense of all human cultural values. This means in practice to strangle the powers of production, to retard technical development, to destroy material and human forces, to crush the development of ideas and thought, and to concentrate the entire society on organization for war, leading in turn to still greater destruction and decay.”(Rajani Palme Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolution)

The other alternative is to organise the new productive forces as social forces. As the common wealth of the entire of society and to raise rapidly and enormously the material basis of society. Destroy poverty, ignorance and disease. March infinite in every direction to expand science and culture (and not just for the bourgeoisie to wield as class weapons at the proletariats throat!).

To organise Communist society in which all human beings can reach full stature and play their collective part in developing humanity. These are the two paths placed at the proletariat who are the living representatives of the productive forces.

The bourgeoisie routinely burn grain, vegetables and clothes when too much is produced.

Today they want to burn bodies.


  1. https://hewlett.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PopulationBrochureEnglish.pdf
  2. https://hewlett.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PopulationProgramStrategicPlan.pdf
  3. ibid
  4. https://order-order.com/tag/dignity-in-dying/
  5. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2616383
  6. VOA, Canada Leads World in Organ Donations from Euthanasia, January 22, 2023
  7. Jack King, Euthanasia is all about the money
  8. Liberal Death Cult and The Blue Whale: Canada’s Euthanasia Program Extends To The Poor And Disabled [/8

    With the removal of healthcare the Working Class will be offered death care, as the woman who took part the Canadian advert for assisted suicide.

    “I feel like I’m falling through the cracks so if I’m not able to access health care am I then able to access death care?’ And that’s what led me to look into MAID,” Hatch told CTV in June under a pseudonym.9ibid10

    As Western Nations shell Russia they have taken liberalism to it’s extreme. The note between facism and liberalism was noted as far back as Stalin saying “social democracy is the twin pillar of fascism”. Both exalt the individual over everything and individualism take to it’s extreme will produce a eugenics program. Michael Burleigh noted that the Euthanasia program in Nazi Germany proceeded from economic considerations.

    The ‘euthanasia’ programme for adults was very much bound up with clearing the decks in order to wage war. Hitler and his subordinates did not slither into it through contingent circumstances; nor did beureaucratic mechanisms assume a life of their own in the way that some historians imagine was the case with the ‘Final Solution’. The ‘euthanasia’ programme was a carefully planned and covertly executed operation with precisely defined objectives. Those responsible believed in the necessity of what they were doing. Mentally and physically disabled people were killed to save money and resources, or to create physical space for ethnic German repatriates and/or civilian and military casualties, both in ‘Aktion T4’ and through shootings carried out by the SS in Pomerania and Poland, and in the ‘euthanasia’ programme’s various continuations. In other words, these policies reflected a non-medical agenda..11Michale Burleigh, Death and Deliverance: “Euthanasia” in Germany 1900-1945

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