Demographics is destiny.
New Monthly birth data released.1 What is described in here is more or less population collapse within 3 generations.
A fertility rate below 1.6 means 50% less new people after three generations, say 75 years (taking 25 years as a generation).
Below 1.2 means an 80% drop.
2023 England at 1.45, northern Ireland at 1.6, Scotland at 1.3
U.S. is at 1.64. China, Japan, Poland, Spain all below 1.2. South Korea is at 0.7—96% drop.
This is mass extinction levels. Average age in UK is 40.7 years.
This will actually compound as population gets older and less fertile every year. So it is unlikely the English population will reverse or stabilise at 1.45.
Danish population growth has been static for 44 years with only migrants accounting for population growth.
Impact On Prospects For Socialism
Without a promethean building of socialism, social revolution and the accompanying social-conservatism seen under Joseph Stalin and Enver Hoxha: humanity will probably close the book on establishing permanent settlements in the Solar system and miss our chance at colonising the stars for a thousand years. The Rockefeller Foundation/CIA created Frankfurt School have spent the last sixty years convincing the world that socialism is really abortion “rights” and LGBT for their own agenda: Malthusian depopulation.2
Soviet leaders were also extremely concerned about the effect of contraception and abortion on their country’s birthrate. The Soviet government had legalized abortion in November 1920. The decree noted the growing number of illegal abortions (due to extreme economic hardship in the wake of the Civil War), and in the interest of women’s health allowed free abortions in hospitals provided that they were performed by doctors. The decree, however, never recognized abortion as a woman’s right. Indeed Semashko explicitly stated at the time that abortion was not an individual right, that it could depress the birthrate and hurt the interests of the state, and that it should be practiced only in extreme cases. 3
The importance of the Zionist entity being destroyed alongside NATO losing in Ukraine has now taken on a epochal era of world significance. If imperialism is not destroyed then the consequences for humanity will be catastrophic.
Human Beings Are Productive Forces
Soviet Union banned abortion, which would be considered offensive by most of todays “left”. The reason Soviets took this step however though was because
The Marxist understanding of human beings is that human labour power makes up the forces of production. 4
According to the materialist conception, the determining factor in history is, in the last resort, the production and reproduction of immediate life. 5
“The production of life, both of one’s own in labour and of fresh life in procreation… appears as a double relationship: on the one hand as a natural, on the other as a social relationship. By social we understand the co-operation of several individuals, no matter under what conditions, in what manner and to what end. It follows from this that a certain mode of production, or industrial stage, is always combined with a certain mode of co-operation, or social stage, and this mode of co-operation is itself a “productive force.”6
Capitalism In Decay Must Stifle Productive Forces And Therefore Promote A Superstructure Of Anti-Natalism and Destroy Human Beings
It is not an accident that capitalist-imperialism in it’s decay has sought to stifle the productive forces. R Palme Dutt discussed this in Fascism and Social Revolution. The capitalists when coming together in the market can only see to limit productive forces (ie human beings being born) or seek to rid them in pointless wars where workers are set upon each other.
To the modern bourgeois mind and outlook this process of wholesale destruction and restricting of production, in the midst of poverty, appears as a natural and self-evident necessity. Without sense of contradiction they proclaim it in the same breath that they proclaim the necessity of “economy” and “cuts” to the masses; and correctly they feel no contradiction, since both are indispensable to the maintenance of capitalism at the present stage. They preach to-day the policy of restriction of production with the same sense of obvious correctness and common sense with which they preached after the war the policy of “increased production” as the path to prosperity. 7
“Productive capacity” must be “re-adjusted” to the “lower level” of consumption of the impoverished masses. Such is the bed of Procrustes (who was also a bandit, but a less skilled and large-scale bandit) to which modern capitalism in its extreme stage of decay seeks to fit the tortured body of humanity. The more obvious and glaring expressions of this process, the burning of foodstuffs, the dismantling of machinery that is still in good condition, strike the imagination of all. But all do not yet see the full significance of these symptoms: first, the expression through these symptoms of the extreme stage of decay of the whole capitalist order; second, the inseparable connection of this process of decay with the social and political phenomena of decay which find their complete expression in Fascism; and third, the necessary completion and final working out of this process in war. For war is only the complete and most systematic working out of the process of destruction. To-day they are burning wheat and grain, the means of human life. To-morrow they will be burning living human bodies. ibid p68
Do Older People Revolt?
The problem is compounded by the fact that older people do not revolt: they settle into their creature comforts and become more wary/conservative compared to young adults with nothing to lose. On the positive side a determined and warrior caste that separates itself out from the death cult of Liberal-Totalitarianism could easily conquer these societies. Communists could do this. Religious fanatics could as well.
Falling populations also do not spread out in empty homes but congregate further into cities as seen here. So if they are able to prolong the social-revolution they will be able to mete out a harsh existence under a new semi-feudal system where people are routinely “lock down’ed” (a term originating in prisons) and heavily surveilled in fifteen minute cities. 8
This all is calculated off the fertility replacement rate being at 2.1
A truly nightmarish contemplation is that the fertility replacement rate may actually be 5+children. A recent Swedish study found 48% of the generation with 2 children in the generation 1885-1899 had zero living descendants by 2007.
We found that 48% of the first generation did not have any living descendants (great-grandchildren) by 2007. The risk of a family line dying out within the four-generational framework was highest among those who had relatively low fertility in the first generation.(Martin Kolk 1 , Vegard Skirbekk, Fading family lines- women and men without children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in 19th, 20th and 21st Century Northern Sweden, Sept 2022 )
Stanford Institutes Post-Industrial Man
Stanford Research Institute, in cooperation with a bunch of other psychological warfare outfits like Tavistock Institute,wrote a report in 1982 titled Changing Images Of Man. It’s first page tells us in Malthusian terms
I do not wish to seem over dramatic but I can only conclude from the information that is available to me as Secretary-General that the Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left in which to subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to curb the arms race, to improve the human environment, to defuse the population explosion, and to supply the required momentum to development efforts. If such a global partnership is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control. V Thant (1969) 9
In it they discussed the “image of man”. Discussing the “image of man” they hit on the point that there is currently an “industrial image of man”.

Examining these future images they state
Then the image can be examined carefully and with perspective, to be retained, discarded, or changed. 10
Many of our present images appear to have become dangerously obsolescent, however. An image may be appropriate for one phase in the development of a society, but once that stage is accomplished, the use of the image as a continuing guide to action will likely create more problems than it solves 11
The Psychological warfare planners then state the post-industrial man is a return to a kind of mysticism. That the “industrial-man” was too rational and geared toward science.
This emerging image reinstates the transcendental, spiritual side of humankind, so long ignored or denied by that official truth-seeking institution of modern society, science. The new image denies none of the conclusions of science in its contemporary form, but rather expands its boundaries. In a manner reminiscent of the well-worn wave-particle example from physics, the new image reconciles such pairs of “opposites” as body/spirit, determinism/free will, and science/religion.12
Our pathetic bourgeois planners were wrong on every account regarding “overpopulation”. Indeed Julian Simones book Ultimate Resource II13 provided one of the best rebuttals of Malthusian propaganda ever written. But by the time Julian Simones excellent book had appeared on the scene the bourgeois had rapidly moved from “Limits To Growth” to the arbitrary selected “limiting of carbon”.
We Are Industry
The Communist leader Reg Birch saw what was happening years before Stanford released their report which is more or less a guide to action for the parasite bourgeois class. In 1976 he stated
The very means of our existence is being destroyed, the sheer scale and speed of the razing of British industry beggars all description. We are a manufacturing nation; the working up of raw materials into finished goods, has long been the basis of our cultural identity and material welfare, there is no other course compatible with life in Britain; we cannot revert to a peasant existence. The unchecked and wanton destruction of our class, for we are industry. 14
Outlining exactly what was happening as Britains economy turned increasingly into a financial speculation era
Far from rationalising industry and creating the efficient, competitive units of which they boasted, they have husbanded absurdity and irrationality, enabling the financial Cain to slaughter his manufacturing brother or to force him into an even more slavish dependence. 15
As Britain has closed down it’s last steel plant and it’s last coal plant, marking an end to Britain burning coal for the first time in 142 years 16 we see the face of the post-industrial man. A man that wets the bed about the very fake “climate change”17 pushed by the same bourgeois planners and psychological specialists that wrote Changing Images of Man.
A society that denies winter fuel payments to pensioners as it splurges £22 billion on the psychopathic delusion of “carbon capture storage” whilst mountains of baby heads are piled up in Palestine.
- Diplomatic Post, The Scientific Killers Vol III: Misanthropy, Eugenics, Homosexuality And The Trend To Pederasty In Imperialist Society, 31 May 2024
- David L Hoffman, Cultivating the Masses, P101
- Redarmy.Online, The Soviet Position On Abortion, Eugenics, Neomalthusianism and the Soviet Mother, Jan 16 2023
- Engels, Origins Of The State, Private Property and The Family
- Karl Marx, The German Ideology
- R Palme Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolution, p67
- O W Markley, Changing Images of Man, Pergamon Press, 1981)
- p3
- p4
- p203
- Reg Birch, CPBML Congress 1976, p8
- ibid
- ibid
- ibid