Editors Note: It is an interesting phenomena that if you google this article written by Winston Churchill one of the top links (that I initially clicked) is https://archive.org/details/WinstonChurchillZionismVsBolshevismStruggleForTheSoulOfTheJewishPeople1920
In this version of Churchills articles the subheading “Good and Bad Jews” has been replaced with “Good and Ban Jews“.
The tragedy of the Jews is that they were the first Cosmopolitans. Hear Marx: “But the Jew, too, can behave towards the state only in a Jewish way – that is, by treating it as something alien to him, by counterposing his imaginary nationality to the real nationality, by counterposing his illusory law to the real law, by deeming himself justified in separating himself from mankind, by abstaining on principle from taking part in the historical movement, by putting his trust in a future which has nothing in common with the future of mankind in general, and by seeing himself as a member of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people as the chosen people.” Marx, On the Jewish Question.
Communism gave the Jews the correct aspect to their imaginary “National Question”. That Jews are not a people but a religion. It taught them to be members of the nation they inhabit. However this National Question for the Jews, that they are not Jews per se but Russians/French/Polish etc would have had the Jews move in the direction of Communism. Instead Churchill wanted to build on their Cosmopolitan identity to serve
Winston Churchill: SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.
Disraeli, the Jew Prime Minister of England, and Leader of the Conservative Party, who was always true to his race and proud of his origin, said on a well-known occasion:
“The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews”.
Certainly when we look at the miserable state of Russia, where of all countries in the world the Jews were the most cruelly treated, and contrast it with the fortunes of our own country, which seems to have been so providentially preserved amind the awful perils of these times, we must admit that nothing has since happened in the history of the world has falsified the truth of Disrael’s confident assertion.