In the above video Israeli soldiers sodomize Palestinian prisoners of war. Aware of cameras pointing in their direction the soldiers use shields in an attempt to block the view of Israelis raping a prisoner
Since October 7th Zionism has unleashed it’s full hatred of humanity and fascistic terror upon the world – an image it had carefully cultivated as a “bastion of civilisation in a region that needed civilising”. Western liars and propagandists in Mainstream Media who almost exclusively employ paedophiles.
Israel was a colony born in the era of decolonisation. When colonies around the world were standing up for their right to exist as sovereign nations. The sick circus of Israeli society is bubbling to the fore with Israeli’s protesting in the right to sodomise prisoners.
In a previous article I wrote
The blend of imperialist-parasitism in social phenomena and the death-cult of imperialism as a drive to war and destruction is complete. Reflecting on the mass of cruelty of the Nazis, having spent years in Germany prior to the War, Mr R T Smallbones, British Consul-General, stated
“The explanation of this outbreak of sadistic cruelty may be that sexual perversion, and, in particular, homosexuality, are very prevalent in Germany. It seems to me that mass sexual perversion may offer an explanation of this otherwise inexplicable outbreak.” (Samuel Igra, Germany’s National Vice, p7)
Are we to conclude any other opinion from the current state of the warmongering-West? (The Scientific Killers Vol III: Misanthropy, Eugenics, Homosexuality And The Trend To Pederasty In Imperialist Society)
Given the holocaust the Israelis have waged on the defenceless Palestinians we can ask similar questions of LGBT-friendly-pride-Parade-Israel. Israel acts as an outpost for Western imperialism. Israel careens towards civil war. What else can you describe far-right supporters storming a military base for Israeli’s right to commit war crimes against prisoners?

A colony created during the de-colonisation period of history. Israel’s creation is a spear tip aimed at the arab people by European colonisers. To prevent the coalescing of the arab peoples into an arab nation and single arab State that will act in arab interests. And not a motley crew of a Jewish supermascist states and occupied comprador arab states like Bahrain or Oman.
Israeli’s Storm Military Base In Defence Of Rapist Soldiers
On Monday July 29, 2024 thousands of Isrealis stormed a military base demanding the release of Israeli soldiers who had been arrested for sodomising Palestinian prisoners of war. We were told by Israeli and Western propagandists that the Hamas raped lots of women on 7th October 2023 and that’s why Israel had to conduct the genocide it did.
BREAKING | Dozens of Israeli settlers storm the military police headquarters in Bayt Lid in support of the soldiers from the Sde Teiman torture facility who are being interrogated after a Palestinian prisoner was assaulted and hospitalized.( DD Geopolitics,
The Israeli Military held nine soldiers for questioning for raping prisoners with a tenth having an arrest warrant issued for them.
On 30 July Israeli MP Hanoch Milwidsky from Netanyahu’s Likud party stated it was legitimate to sodomise Palestinian detainees in Israeli dungeons.
To insert a stick in a person’s rectum, is that legitimate?
Shut up! Yes, if he is a Nukhba, everything is legitimate to do. Everything!
Israeli Psychological Warfare: Porn As A Weapon
On March 30 2002 the Israeli military forces captured Palestinian Television broadcasting studios during their occupation of Ramallah, in the West bank.
After the occupation of the broadcasting studios they began airing porn on all the TV channels. The sudden shock of seeing hardcore pornography broadcast into their homes. This psychological warfare was aimed at paralysing Palestinian society so they could not mount an effective resistance to Zionist killing.
St Thomas Aquinas claimed “lust darkens the mind” after recalling his struggle with lust as a youth. The popularisation of pornography in imperialist society can be similarly considered a weapon by the imperialist class. Less overt than blaring it through 3 of the 4 TV channels in Palestine but to the same effect.(DiplomaticPost, The Scientific Killers Vol III: Misanthropy, Eugenics, Homosexuality And The Trend To Pederasty In Imperialist Society)
A Rapist Appears On Israeli TV
One of the men who raped Palestinian prisoners appeared on Israeli TV to defend the Israeli Army and himself. At this point he still felt enough shame to appear in a balaclava. Declaring “I would think our Israeli army is the healthiest in the world”.
A pundit, Yehuda Schlesinger from Israel Hayom newspaper, appeared on Israeli TV Channel 12 to say the abuse should be a “regulated policy of the State”
“The only thing that is a problem for me here is that it’s not a regulated policy of the state to abuse the detainees, because, first of all, they deserve it, and it’s great revenge… maybe it will serve us a little more a deterrent…”
The Israeli Rapist would eventually feel secure enough to unmask on Twitter showing his real face.
The immorality displayed by the “most moral army in the world” is fraying as Israel loses public support. But the Zionist lobby still retains fanatical overt power and soft power in imperialist countries. Zionist Israel is used to wash money that then returns back into imperialist countries through donations and financial ties. Zionists retain hegemony in imperialist society and have tried to introduce a form of lawfare to equate Zionism with Judaism so they can accuse Zionists of “anti-semitism”.
The power of Zionists resides in their samson option. As the national-liberation movement of the Palestinians expands the imperialists now find themselves tied to a mad dog that has nuclear weapons aimed at European capitals. The Zionists have promised that they will “take the world down with us” “before Israel goes under”.
Iran can never be threatened in its very existence. Israel can. Indeed, such a threat could even grow out of the current intifada. That, at least, is the pessimistic opinion of Martin van Creveld, professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. ‘If it went on much longer,’ he said, ‘the Israeli government [would] lose control of the people. In campaigns like this, the anti-terror forces lose, because they don’t win, and the rebels win by not losing. I regard a total Israeli defeat as unavoidable. That will mean the collapse of the Israeli state and society. We’ll destroy ourselves.’
In this situation, he went on, more and more Israelis were coming to regard the ‘transfer’ of the Palestinians as the only salvation; resort to it was growing ‘more probable’ with each passing day. Sharon ‘wants to escalate the conflict and knows that nothing else will succeed’.
But would the world permit such ethnic cleansing? ‘That depends on who does it and how quickly it happens. We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.’ (Guardian, The War Game, Sun 21 Sep 2003)