Looming Debacle
The war in Ukraine is going terribly. The West, and the criminal mafia that makes up the MSM, can hide mass casualties in Ukraine as reports trickle out that Ukraine is losing up to a 1000 soldiers a day.
This the MSM can hide.
What they cannot hide is the loss of territory and the going up of the Russian flag on territory. Ukraine has about 5 weeks left before the full collapse of the AFU in the Donbass. With that will come a debacle that the West cannot hide.
The economic war and sanctions against Russia were unprecedented. Not even Nazi Germany was cut from the world banking system during World War 2.
Sleepy Joe promised that the “rouble will be rubble”.
Yet it’s this years most performing currency.
If you’re a democrat staffer, weaned on an aggressive neoliberal ideology and American exceptionalism with little to no principles or regard for human wellbeing, what are you to do?
You have a looming debacle over Ukraine. Your staffers are working overtime to redefine the word “recession” on wikipedia as the US economy has slipped into recession.
Wikipedia has frozen edits to its page for “recession,” halting a frenzy of changes to the entry after the Biden administration insisted that the U.S. economy has not entered a economic downturn.
NPR, What is a recession? Wikipedia can’t decide, July 30, 2022
Start a war over Taiwan.
The American Empire – A Paper Tiger Bashing Their Face Against A Steel Wall of 1.4 Billion Chinese
The United States has a very limited window to retain it’s unipolar moment. By 2027 the Chinese military and Navy will far outpace the US. They therefore need to put China in a position to invade Taiwan to make China a pariah in the worlds eyes and ensure a cold war wall goes up between the United States and it’s sphere of influence (ie. Europe/Australasia/Japan/Israel) and China.
The way to do this is to slap China in the face by having the 3rd most powerful political leader in the United States go to Taiwan to visit the corrupt DPP party. A party that is little more than a comprador party paid and bought by the United States.
The entire world considers Taiwan to be an integral part of of China (including, incidentally the United States).
By revising this position as seeing Taiwan as part of China the US is hoping to encourage separatism amongst the corrupt leadership in Taiwan.
If the Taiwan leadership were to follow through with this secession-ism they will be led up the primrose path to destruction. Just as Ukraine was.
The Flight Everyone Has Their Eyes On
Pelosi is en flight to Asia. She has since rolled back the claim of visiting Taiwan so this may already be over (in another humiliation for the US empire). But she may indeed attempt to flight to Taiwan.
A former Global Times editor has stated the PLA can shoot down her plane if she attempts to land in Taiwan. (Since deleted by Twitter)
“If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is an invasion. The Chinese military has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down,” Xijin wrote in a tweet, which was removed later due to violation of Twitter rules.
“If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is an invasion. The Chinese military has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down,” Hu Xijin wrote in a tweet, which was removed later due to violation of Twitter rules.
Hu ijin, Twitter, Which has since been removed by Twitter.
China’s Time To Strike
The West has effectively de-militarised itself over Ukraine.
Greece, one of the largest armies in Nato, effectively has sent it’s hardware stocks to Ukraine to the point of debasing it’s own defence.
He said Greece’s defence of its own territory should not be weakened, particularly on islands, by sending more weapons.
“The defence equipment we sent to Ukraine came from our stocks. There is no issue of sending more,” he told Greek lawmakers in a parliamentary discussion.
Euractiv, Greece says no more weapons for Ukraine, 14-04-2022
What’s more the US is now tied down in Europe with a load of far right States it can’t reasonably protect. The Baltic countries for instance have 1/5 of their populations as “non-citizens” as they are not ethnically Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian. They have been denied rights to hold office or government jobs in what amounts to an apartheid state. These States (including Ukraine) have essentially been turned into a dagger of Russophobia to direct an aggressive foreign policy against Russia.
The Russian Special Military Operation (I have previously called this an invasion but now regret that – the difference between a limited SMO and what Russia will look like when it decides to actually declare a patriotic war is too far apart) has shocked the West and shown how weak the West is.
If Crazy Nancy is to visit Taiwan China could shoot down Pelosi’s plane (I am not advocating any of this obviously, just speculating how Chinese military strategic planners see this).
They could then sink the entire US navy in the Asia pacific with hyper sonic missiles.
Hyper sonic missiles have turned Aircraft carriers into floating coffins.
With the entire US navy in the Asian region sunk within a few hours what exactly will the US do?
Would the American population really support a third world war for someone as hated as Nancy Pelosi.
Who’s continually partaking in what increasingly looks like insider trading? (Business Insider, McCarthy says Pelosi should recuse herself from the stock trading ban talks because of her husband’s active trading, Jul 29, 2022)
The truth is. The US would either have to do a full mobilisation against China which would destroy it’s economy over night. A soft, fat and plump population too enwrapped in it’s own decadence and degeneracy against the Chinese, who still have vivid memories of the century of humiliation in which hundreds of millions of Chinese died so American and European powers could ply them with drugs and opium and scoop out the wealth of China.
The only option left to the US would be to be humbled or nuclear war.