The 2nd assassin sent to kill Trump has been recruiting for Taiwan and Ukraine and appeared in an Azov video. A “slava Ukraini” retard. Has numerous ties to the Military Industrial Complex and CIA outfits like John Hopkins.
The first assassin sent to kill Trump was previously in a Blackrock advert. Blackrock are the notorious company that sit above most corporations. They, in turn, own so many corporations they are able to engage in a certain level of economic planning. But unlike the Soviet Union, where this plan was oriented toward increading the productive forces and the wellbeing of the people, Blackrock are utilising their leverage over most of Western society to build prison camps in the West. Utilising ESG scores and Rockefeller inspired fifteen minute cities. There is a reason train tickets in Britain now tell you how much “co2 you’re using”. The Blackrock connection continues as Zelensky has essentially sold off Ukraine to Blackrock.
The Ukrainian land reform law, which after 20 years was passed by the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada in 2021, made it possible for international agricultural conglomerates – belonging to the western zone of influence – to buy up large amounts of Ukrainian soil. At the same time, ordinary people were led to believe that ultimately the opposite was true: The sponsors of the bill brazenly lied about the alleged protection of Ukrainian farmers and their fertile land.
The international players involved in getting the law passed are agribusiness and biotech giants Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto. Together, these US companies bought about 17 million hectares in eastern and southern Ukraine. These are the regions with by far the most fertile soil, not only within Ukraine but even in this world.
The Australian National Review recently provided an illustrative comparison: The 16,7 million hectares already make up the entire cultivated area of Italy. In short, the stakes are high. (Era of Light, Monsanto and BlackRock are Buying up Ukraine, 8/12/2022)
The article ends with that much invested in Ukraine..Why would the West want peace?
Anyway enough of that, here’s the video of the Blackrock Patsy, Matthew Crooks, for those interested. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Ryan Routh – A Modern Day Naz-Lib Redditor for US Empire
Ryan Routh encompasses modern day US empire. An effete looking reddit user who see’s the world in black and white. Reddit of course being the Website run from Eglin Airbase and moderated by convicted paedophile Ghislane Maxwell. With the indoctrinated cues of a globalist simpleton repeating political talking points he learned from Star Wars, here he is talking about the Ukrainian conflict being the simplest case of “black and white” to ever exist.
Ryan ignores how the Americans have supported the Banderite faction in Ukraine since the end of World War 2 as a weapon against the Soviet Union and now Russian Federation. Banderism would be another dead Nazi ideology in the dustbin of history were it not for the funding received by Mi6 and CIA.
He ignores the Maidan coup of 2014. He ignores the explicit Nazi ties of the Azov battalion he’s happy to appear in a video for. He ignores how the Ukrainian government began it’s shelling of the Donbass as a provocation against Russia. He ignores the 2019 Rand Report “Over Extending Russia”. In general he ignores how NATO has nazified Ukrainian society.
Just as NATO Islamised Afghan society during the Soviet-Afghan war. You can read this article by the Washington Post about how the US spent millions of dollars on violent Jihadis and militant Islam books in Afghanistan for instance.(Washington Post, From U.S., the ABC’s of Jihad, March 22, 2002)
Books that were still being taught in schools when NATO troops arrived to destroy Afghanistan as a nation and revert it back to being a slave-labour camp for opium agriculture run by paedophiles.

The same has been done in Ukraine. How else can you get a population, previously fraternal brothers in a socialist society to jump up and down about “killing muscovites”.
Instead of a complex slavic civil war in the post-soviet space, which has no real basis outside of US imperialism. Indeed if the USA was wiped off the map tomorrow the Ukrainian government would capitulate by lunch time. In fact if we were to assign a case of black and white we might argue that the side that doesn’t have open Nazis or the CIA is the “white” side.
Ryan Rouths Appearance In Nazi Azov Battalion Propaganda Video

The Azov Battalion are a Nazi outfit. Their logo, until recently, had the Black Sun in which was on the floor of the Nazi SS headquarters. The Azov logo includes the Black Sun as well as the emblem of the SS division.

Since 1991 the West has stepped up it’s efforts to peel off Ukraine from Russia. Stated explicitly by the geopolitical mind of the Rockefeller family, Zbigniew Brzinski. The social elements in Ukrainian society to do this are the anti-social Nazis who look to Stepan Bandera as their idol.
The support of Nazism-Banderism in Ukraine isn’t without political consequences in the West. Now that Ukraine has been turned into a haven of White Supremacy mass murdering Nazis commit their crimes in the West. The New Zealand Christ church shooter wore a Black Sun. In 2013 a Ukrainian White supremacist, almost certainly entrenching his ideas and ideology of the Ukrainian State in his formative years, stabbed to death a grandfather in Birmingham in 2013. (Guardian, Pavlo Lapshyn jailed for 40 years for murder and mosque bombs, Fri 25 Oct 2013
Recruiting For Ukraine And Taiwan
Ryan stands for global homogeny. Morphing the entire globe into ugly cosmopolitan cities that all look the same. National cultures wiped out in favour of McDonalds and Disney. The human being reduced to an empty vessel of consumption that can shift into whatever vessel of identity they feel in a fluid moment. This is why Ryan the redditor was doing his bit to ensure that McDonalds, porn and the rest of the ugliness of Western society stretches it’s claw like fingertips across the globe. Euthanasia, abortions, double mastectomies and castration for all!
And anyone who wants anything different is a bigot!
At fightforukraine.com.ua Ryan was recruiting people to fight for Ukraine. This will no doubt get scrubbed just as his Facebook and Twitter have been scrubbed. So there’s a backup here https://web.archive.org/web/20240209034404/https://fightforukraine.com.ua/

Whilst at the same time Ryan Routh was recruiting for Taiwan and their “Foreign Legion”. https://taiwanforeignlegion.com/#98be7ace-20d8-4124-940f-cdb6317f2804

The idea behind this is to flood Ukraine and Taiwan with foreign mercenaries. Soldiers of fortune hoping to come to Ukraine for an inflated pay cheque of $1200 a month. This is a lot of money to Colombians who’s country has been turned into a drug den by NATO. As well as Afghans who have had over twenty years of NATO drug dealers turning Afghanistan into the opium centre of the world and slave labour camp for drug agriculture.
Indeed that is why Ryan Routh was trying to hire Afghanis.
AFGHAN SOLDIERS – The US Embassy in Ukraine is working very hard to finance this project and has asked the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense for a detailed plan no how the money will be spent; Volodymyr and MOR are working very enthusiastically until he provied the information they need and a reasonable suggestion. Give us a few more weeks for some progress.(Ryan Routh, Sept 29 2023)

Ryan Routh Is Denounced by an account that served In the Ukrainian Foreign Legion
Ryan Routh has been shilling for US empire for 2 years straight but is suddenly denounced by the “International Legion” 3 months prior. He then goes dark and reappears attempting to assassinate Trump.

The 60 Accounts Ryan Routh Is Following On Twitter – A Spook and Servant of the Military Industrial Complex
Twitter (or X, whatever) is an arm of the US state. Acting quickly they torched his account. But not before someone made a quick copy of all the accounts Ryan was following. Ryan seems to have been following a bunch of US State media organisations, Military industrial Complex and ex-CIA accounts.
The first account he followed on twitter was @mllesookim which had “ex-cia”, @SAISSStrat @RANDcorporation in their bio. Rand Corporation should need no introduction. Indeed they wrote the blueprint “Overextending Russia” in 2019 which would’ve been taken as US policy toward Russia in Ukraine and started the war in the first place. @SAISSStrat is, from their own bio, “the SAISHopkins Phillip Merrile Centre for Strategic Studies explores politics and the use of force in international relations”.
The reference to John Hopkins is John Hopkins University which is ground zero the Medical Industrial Complex and CIA psychological warfare.
Johns Hopkins has hosted four exercises “to prepare communities for biological threats”.
- Dark Winter, 2001, bioterror preparation
- Atlantic Storm, 2005, bioterror preparation
- Clade X, 2018, pandemic preparation
- Event 201, 2019, pandemic preparation
Dark Winter predicted with remarkable accuracy the Anthrax attacks of 2001. Event 201 predicted the Covid19 Pandemic with remarkable accuracy, simulating a “global coronavirus pandemic”. It looked managing the narrative and censoring the internet, Lockdowns and social unrest. Crazy co-inky-dink!
John Hopkins University is also ground zero for the eugenics cult of Transhumanism. Transgenderism was started by John Money at John Hopkins. A pederast that experimented on two twins, managing to burn the entire penis of one of the Reimer twins during a circumcision. (I’ve never, ever heard of a circumcision done with a soldreing iron but if you want to go down that rabbit hole I suggest you read my article Scientific Killers, Vol III) where the pederast John Money is covered in detail.
All you need to know for this article is that the paedophile activist and child abuser, John Money, is the father of Transgender ideology. His research was used to sterilise and surgically experiment on hundreds of thousands of people. His research was justification and the rapid spread of Transgender ideology: a paedophile activist and child abuser.
For purposes of this article you need only know that when both John Moneys child abuse was made public in John Calapinto’s As Nature Made Him as well as research being fraudulent the John Hopkins University. John Hopkins did not fire him but kept him employed until his death.
Which makes absolute sense once you realise Money was working for a military industrial University engaged in sophisticated divide and rule strategies and the general trend to pederasty has been a faustian bargain to pay off the labour aristocracy Western nations.
Begging For Nuclear War
Ryan Routh wrote a 291 page book
“Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway hardliners. He offers gushing admiration for Juan Guaido, the Free Syrian Army, Myanmar rebels, and other CIA backed forces, while hinting at a friendship with MSNBC natsec hack and fellow International Brigade member Malcolm Nance.”(Max Blumenthal, x.com)
Further in his book he makes the case for a nuclear war in a chapter titled “Why not Nuclear War?”

After Russia’s SMO into Ukraine Western intelligence services began weaponising autism. The product of this was NAFO. Building a sense of connection and purpose to supporting NATO’s aggressive wars as some moral crusade. Western Intelligence agencies have sufficiently broke enough people’s brains to make them fervent supporters of imperialism that they are willing to assassinate a wildly popular presidential candidate like Donald Trump.
Connections to Kiev?
Given that Ryan Routh was working for the Ukrainian State to recruit soldiers for the Reddit-war on Russia and that the Banderites that rule Ukraine with an iron fist have a substantial amount to lose if Trump gets elected. It is looking more and more like Ryan Routh was sponsored the Banderites in Ukraine to kill Donald Trump. With possible assistance from the pro-Liberal Kamala Harris elements of the deep state.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article: Monsanto and Blackrock have bought up most of the land in Ukraine. Western monopolies have a massive incentive to ensure war continues in Ukraine and sacrificing a Naz-Lib like Ryan Routh would be a small price to pay to see Donald Trump dead and the war continued.
Lastly, given that Donald Trump was almost shot on a golf course, what are we to make of Time magazines recent cover?
A whole host of coincidences, I’m sure.